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On Saturday 8th September several of us made a trip to Haddon Hall in Derbyshire, a most beautiful medieval house and gardens. We learned more about the arhitecture and history with an excellent guided tour. We are thankful for the legacy from a late member which contributed to the expences and to GC for organising this super day out.

Below, a few of us enjoying the garden.

On Saturday 22nd April we reinstated our annual Soup Lunch, a fund raising event that has been greatly missed in the last three years. There was a wonderful turnout on a lovely day at a member's home in Louth. The weather was kind so many people enjoyed the sunshine outside. There was a delicious variety of soups, with bread and homemade scones. Many thanks to our hostess, contributers and helpers. The event raised in excess of £100 for Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF).


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