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ex member
So plsed to see IWA is still going strong & that some familiar names crop up. 10 years since I moved away & still miss the reading group! We continue to enjoy our life here in York & are kept happily busy with 2 little g/daughters, now 7 & 3. Both live at a distance, but we are the meeting point for family gatherings, which now include my sister-in-law & our nephew's family, relocated to the UK from Istanbul.
Best wishes for many more years, with special regards to any who remember me!
Posted by Rachel on 01 March 2020
How lovely to hear from you Rachel, I am happy that you are enjoying your extended family and trust that York is providing all you hoped for.I can hardly believe that it is ten years...
as you will see, we now have two reading groups that are as stimulating as ever and, of course, the "older" members miss your expertise and input.
Hope that you have not been flooded and that you will keep in touch.
Warmest wishes,
Posted by Susan on 08 March 2020
Good to hear your news & to know you are all well. I’m back to uk now & hubby visiting each year.
Good luck & regards
Jennifer x
Posted by Jennifer Ichikawa on 08 March 2020
I can hardly believe that it is ten years since you left Louth Rachel. So glad to hear that your move to York has been successful. It is wonderful that members of your extended family have moved to this country - I can see you as a doting grandmother, which is the role many of us IWA members have also happily taken on. We too have a 7 year old granddaughter as well as a 4 year old grandson. Our youngest granddaughter is 17 months old and a bundle of energy.
Thanks for your good wishes to the IWA, which all of us who know you are very happy to return.
Posted by Inge Oldman on 08 March 2020
Thank you
Just a little note to say thank you to everybody on the walk from the Railway Tavern for your good company and interesting conversations. And thank you Sandra for inviting me. I enjoyed it very much.


Posted by Dot Jones on 23 July 2019
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