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The Issues group is a small sub group which meets six times a year on Tuesday afternoons at a member's home for an informal debate on a chosen topic followed by light refreshment provided by the hostess and members. £1 to be given to the hostess by those attending.

The group will limit the number of members to eight so that everyone can take part and we can meet in smaller homes, we will have a waiting list if there is the demand.

The addresses of the private venues will be indicated by initials and available to members. If you are an IWA member and would like to join the group, please let HB know by email.

Programme 2024

In the pipeline -

Tuesday 21st May, "Immigration". The topic was chosen by and will be hosted by HB.

Tuesday 16th July, "Woke". The topic chosen and hosted by SB.

Tuesday 17th September, "Extremism". The topic chosen and hosted by AS.



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