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Louth International Women's Association: Literature Groups

The Literature Groups are a small groups which meets six times a year a member's home for a discussion of a chosen book followed by finger-food provided by the members.  Meetings start at 2.30 pm.

Literature Group One meet on Friday afternoons and Literature Group Two meet on alternate months on Tuesday afternoons at different member's homes. 

IWA Members can subscribe to one or both groups.

The addresses of the private venues are indicated with members' initials on the website but available on becoming a member.

Members bring finger food and tea or coffee is provided. Each member contributes £1.00 to the hostess on the day. More details are given to subscribers.

Waiting Lists

We will shortly lose members from each group due to relocation so let us know if you would like to join.

Waiting List Lit. Group One [Fri] 

Waiting List Lit. Group Two [Tues] 

At the bottom of this page is a list of all the books read in the IWA Literature Groups since 1990 - Thanks to past and present members who contributed to the compilation.

Literature Group One, Fridays at 14.30 - Admin. MG

3rd Fridays of alternate months

17th May 2024 , My Turn to Make the Tea by Monica Dickens , venue and chosen by PM.

19th July 2024, The Muse by Jessie Burton, venue and chosen by MB.

NOTE - this book and venue have been changed.

20th September 2024, A God in Ruins, by Kate Atkinson, venue and chosen by MG.

15th November 2024, The House of Unexpected Sisters by Alexander McCall Smith, venue and chosen by 10.

17th January 2025, Winter, by Ali Smith, venue and chosen by MB.

21st March 2025, Never Anyone But You by Rupert Thompson venue and chosen by SB.

Literature Group Two, Tuesdays at 2.30pm. 

Admin. SB

3rd Tuesdays of alternate months

Venues will be at the home of the member who suggested the book unless otherwise arranged. We take simple nibbles and £1 for host who provides tea and/or coffee.

17th Dec 2024 ] We Are All Birds of Uganda, by Hafsa Zayyan, SL

18th February 2025  The Wedding by Dorothy West, at JH's House Sit

April 15th 2025, Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, SB

June 17th 2025, A Gentleman in Moscow, by Amor Towles,  MB

August 19th 2025, According to Luke: 1 (Bryn Awbrey Novel) by Rosanne Dingli, PE

October 21st 2025, The Lonely Life of Biddy Weir, by Lesley Allen, HB

Last Season's Books

19th December 2023, The Siege by Helen Dunmore. Suggested by DC.

20th February 2024, Homelands, The History of a Friendship by Chitra Ramaswamy. Suggested by JH.  

16th April 2024, The Promise by Damon Galgut. Suggested by SL.

18th June 2024, The Valleys of the Assassins by Freya Stark.
Suggested by SB. 

19th August 2024Mr Loverman by Bernadine Evaristo. Suggested by MB. Venue MB

Note date change - 29th October 2024, The Road Home by Rose Tremain. 
Suggested by HB.

LITERATURE GROUPS 1 and 2: BOOKS READ from 1990 until Oct 2022 projected Oct 2023
Achebe, Chinua: Things Fall Apart
Addonia, Sulaiman: The Consequences of Love
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi: Half of a Yellow Sun
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi: The Purple Hibiscus
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi: Americannah
Adiga, Aravind: The White Tiger
Alain-Fournier, Henry: The Lost Estate
Allende, Isabel: The House of the Spirits
Angelou, Maya: I Know why the Caged Bird Sings
Asensi, Matilde: Checkmate in Amber
Atkinson, Kate: Human Croquet
Atwood, Margaret: The Handmaids Tale
Atwood, Margaret: Hag-Seed
Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice

Averisto, Bernadine, Mr Loverman

Backman, Fredrik: A Man Called Ove
Baricco, Allessandro: Silk
Barker, Pat: The Silence of the Girls
Barnes, Julian: A History of the World in 10 & a half chapters
Barnes, Julian: A Sense of an Ending
Bennett, Brit: The Vanishing Half
Bernieres, Louis de: Captain Corelli’s Mandolin
Bernieres, Louis de: Birds without Wings
Bernstein, Marcelle: Sacred and Profane
Birch, Carol: Jamrach’s Menagerie
Blackburn, Julia: Daisy Bates
Brink, Andre: An Instant in the Wind
Brown, Dan: The da Vinci Code
Buchanan Rowan Hisayo: Harmless like you
Burton, Jessie: The Miniaturist
Capote, Truman: In Cold Blood
Cary, Joyce: Mister Johnson
Cela Camilo José: The Hive
Chekhov, Anton: Short Stories
Chevalier, Tracy: The Last Runaway
Coetze, J M: The life and Times of Michael K
Colette: The Ripening Seed
Copleton, Jackie: A Dictionary of Mutual Understanding
Cumming, Laura: On Chapel Sands
Cunningham, Michael: The Hours
Desai, Anita: Clear Light of Day
Desai, Anita: Fasting, Feasting
Dibdin, Michael: Ratking
Dickens, Charles: Hard Times
Dimbleby, Joscelyn: Profound Secret
Diski, Jenny: Stranger on a Train
Diski, Jenny: Skating to Antartica
Donleavy, J P: The Onion Eaters
Doyle, Roddy: The Woman Who Walked into Doors
Duenas, Maria: The Time in Between (The Seamstress)
Durrell, Lawrence: Bitter Lemons of Cyprus
Es, Bart van: The Cut out Girl
Esquivel, Laura: Like Water for Chocolate
Evaristo, Bernardine: Girl, Woman, Other
Faulks, Sebastian: Engleby
Faulks, Sebastian: Birdsong
Faulks, Sebastian: Human Traces
Faulks, Sebastin: Where My Heart Used to Beat
Ferrante, Elena: My Brilliant Friend
Forrester, Helen: The Moneylenders of Shapur
Fredrickson, Marianne: Hannah's Daughters
Gale, Patrick: Notes from an Exhibition
Gale, Patrick : A Perfectly Good Man
Gardner, Frank: Crisis
Gaskell, Elizabeth: Mary Barton
Gaskell, Elizabeth: Cranford
Godwin, Pete:r When a Crocodile eats the Sun
Gregory, Philippa: The Taming of the Queen
Grenville, Kate: The Secret River
Haig, Matt: The Humans
Haines, Pamela: Tea at Gunters
Halliday, Lisa: Asymmetry
Harmon, Amy: From Sand and Ash
Harris, Eve: The Marriage of Chani Kaufman
Harris, Joanne: Chocolat
Harris, Joanne: Gentlemen and Players
Harris, Robert: Pompeii
Hartley, L P: The Go Between
Hawkins, Paula: The Girl of the Train
Hill, Susan: The Woman in Black
Honeyman, Gail: Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine
Hornby, Nick: About a Boy
Hustvedt, Siri: The Summer without Men
Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World (incl Revisited)
Ishiguro, Kazuo: Never let me go
Ishiguro, Kazuo: Nocturnes
James, P D: Children of Men
James, P D: A Taste for Death
James, P D: Death comes to Pemberley
Jansson, Tove: The Summer Book
Kang, Han: The Vegetarian
Kanon, Joseph: Leaving Berlin
Kapuscinski Ryszard: Travels with Herodotus
Keane, Molly Time after Time
Kingsley, Charles: The Water Babies
Koch, Herman: The Dinner
Lapierre, Alexandra: Artemesia – the Struggle for Greatness
Lawrence, DH: Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lee, Harper: To kill a mocking Bird
Lemaitre, Pierre: Alex
Leon, Donna: About Face
Lessing, Doris: The Grass is Singing
Lev, Elizabeth: Tigress of Forli: The Life of Catarina Sforza
Levey, Marc: Children of Freedom
Levy, Andrea: Small Island
Levy, Deborah: Hot Milk
Lewis, Norman: Jackdaw Cake
Lively, Penelope: Judgement Day
Macdonald, Helen: H is for Hawk
McEwan, Ian: Enduring Love
McEwan, Ian: On Chesil Beach
McEwan, Ian: Nutshell
McEwan, Ian: The Children Act
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia: Leaf Storm
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia: Love in the Time of Cholera
Martel, Yann: The Life of Pi
Miller, Sue: The Good Mother
Moggach, Deborah: Smile and other stories
Morgan, Marlo: Mutant Message down under
Morrison, Blake: When did you last see your Father?
Morrison, Toni: The Bluest Eye
Munro, Alice: Dear Life
Murphy, Dervla: Full Tilt
Myers, Benjamin: The Offing
Nafisi, Asar: Reading Lolita in Tehran
Nemirovsky, Irene: Suite Francaise
Okri, Ben: Astonishing the Aods
Owens, Delia: Where the Crawdads Sing
Pérez-Reverte, Arturo: The Painter of Battles
Picoult, Jodi: Vanishing Acts
Picoult, Jodi: Small Great Things
Redfield, James: The Celestine Prophecy
Rhys, Jean: Sargasso Sea
Rindell, Suzanne: The Other Typist
Robinson, Marylinne: Gilead
Roy, Arundhati: The God of Small Things
Rubens, Bernice: A 5-year Sentence
Russell, Willy: The Wrong Boy
Sagan, Francoise: Bonjour Tristesse
Sage, Lorna: Bad Blood
Schlink, Bernhard: Flights of Love
Schlink, Bernhard: The Reader
Scott Fitzgerald, F: Tender is the Night
Seirestad, Aase: The Bookseller of Kabul
Seth, Vikram: An Equal Music
Shakespeare, Nicholas: The Vision of Elena Silves
Shamsie, Kamila: Broken Verses
Sharp, Tom: Wilt
Shelley, Mary: Frankenstein
Shreve, Anita: Light on Snow
Shute, Jennifer: Life size
Slovo, Gillian: Black Orchids
Susskind, Patrick: Perfume
Syal, Meera: Life's not all ha-ha, hee-hee
Syal, Meera: The House of Hidden Mothers
Tan, Amy: The Opposite of Fate
Taylor, Elizabeth: Angel
Theriault, Denis: The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman
Thomas, D M: The White Hotel
Toibin, Colm: The Testament of Mary
Toibin, Colm: Nora Webster
Toibin, Colm: The Story of the Night
Tremain, Rose Restoration
Vickers, Sallye: Miss Garnet's Angel
Walker, Alice: The Temple of My Familiar
Wesley, Mary: Part of the Furniture
Williams, John: Stoner
Winterson, Jeanette: Oranges are not the only Fruit
Woolf, Virginia: To the Lighthouse
Zafon, Carlos: Shadow of the Wind

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