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Wood For The Trees



Do you have a writing/story/image/construction problem you cannot solve?

Have you looked at it for so long it makes even less sense than it did to start with?

Could you do with an outside eye to give that objective viewpoint.?


Then maybe Wood For The Trees is just what you need.

A tailor made service to take your ideas and enhance them, adapt your structure to suit you, or find the missing link in your story or project.

Are you a school with a new project, an author with a plot construction problem or a storyteller in search of an over-riding theme.

I'm sure I will be able to help you develop your adventures in image and story.


As a writer, storyteller, teacher and theatre director with over twenty years of peering through the wood to find the trees, I have a proven ability to link themes and ideas and provide a structure for things. I am more than happy to do it for you.


Articulating what Steve does for me is difficult. Because what he does, he achieves so seamlessly that it appears like magic.  I explain the outline, the issues, the challenge and what he provides is a beautifully coherent structure which on questioning opens out to reveal some golden nuggets. In fact if I could articulate what he does, maybe I could try to do it, but I still wouldn’t achieve the same result, because he weaves a lifetime of knowledge and skill into what he does. 

I am more than happy to recommend his service to others. 

What have you got to lose?

Laura Trefor

Creator of Fragon Tales

Paddlebrook Arts

Sept 2014



How does Wood For The Trees work?

You contact me either on this site at imagepoet7@gmail.com or phone me on 01938 500728 and lay out your problem through an initial e mail or chat. I will respond and see if I can help. Payment will normally be subject to the amount of time it takes me to work out the problem for you. This may be immediate or take several days but I will let you know either way and I will not charge you unless I can provide you with actual help. I will also accept a one off payment that you are happy with.








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