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Fragon's Adventures in Image and Story

I am also the co-author and story editor of the exciting new Fragon World series of stories which will help children aged 3-11 to get to grips with maths through the medium of storytelling and games. More details of this major new development in story/maths education will follow but I would also be happy to combine my work on The Seven with that of Fragon World. Junior/Primary schools will be offered the opportunity to experience the worlds of both The Seven and Fragon World within a single day.

The Fragon Tales are set within the imaginary 14th century boyhood of the Prince of Wales to be, Owain Glyndwr. Follow the whole series of adventures with Owain, his brother Tudwr and the magical thought dragon Fragon. Oh and of course Merlin turns up too.



Look out for more details soon !

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