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My adventures in image and story


My name is Steve Gladwin. I am a storyteller, writer, performer and teacher. I have worked with groups of all ages and have a lifetime love of story and myth. I have taught in three separate further education colleges and for Coleg Harlech WEA. I have run my own theatre and storyteller companies in both Bridgwater in Somerset and in Powys, as well as a series of bardic reatreats in Shropshire, Sussex and Snowdonia and workshops in confidence and assertiveness. The Seven is my first published book but I have been writing for as long as I can remember.


In 2006 I lost my partner Celia. Some time after that I ran a pilot scheme of workshops to better enable children aged 9-11 to understand change and loss.


‘ We have storytelling in the past but this was so much better in that the children had an opportunity to discuss emotions raised in stories.’

‘Are you having a laugh’ workshop/performance at Forden School.


The Seven is the book which resulted from both of these experiences. It combines my love of welsh myth and the places that I know with a story which deals with loss and change. 


‘ It was a great way of bringing story to life with lots of opportunities for the children to improve and express their ideas. Steve created a supportive and encouraging environment allowing participation for all.’
 Delyth Evans
 Headteacher –Ysgol Meifod. "Greys, Blues and Emerald Green' Workshop


Environment and the places we live in have always been important to me in my storytelling and this is reflected in The Seven.


Steve’s storytelling brought a dramatic yet fun element to our family woodland event. Like a Pied Piper the children followed his flute through the trees and along the path. Magical.’

Mel Chandler

Community Partnership Officer

Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust.




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