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I spent a lot of time last Summer at the barns at Croft shooting Swallows. I say "shooting" but it does actually rather resemble being in a gun turret. I've developed a device which allows me to track them, fast moving as they are, but still get very tightly framed shots before cropping. This means I can stand for hours in the same spot, swinging a big lens around following their flight paths. Last Summer I didn't quite have the lens or camera to get good shots of this. The camera couldn't keep focus and the lens couldn't produce sharp enough images. This year, I already have a much better camera which should be able to better keep track and I will hopefully soon be getting a Canon 100-400mm which I have used before and is excellent. I've also got plans for modification of my special device which will make it (and therefore me) all the more accurate. I also use this technique with the Kingfishers when the fly by.

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