

(The constitution may also be downloaded as a 60kb PDF file)

Cromarty Allotments and Gardens Society Constitution

Incorporating changes agreed at Allotment Society meeting held on 26 January 2017, and approved at EGM called for this purpose on 27 April 2017


1. Name

The Society shall be called the Cromarty Allotments and Garden Society (referred to as “The Society” through the rest of this document)


2. Objects

The objects of the Society shall be:

to support and encourage gardening of all kinds, particularly the growing of food.

to support gardeners by obtaining funding, acquiring, maintaining and sharing tools, equipment, seeds, plants, land, or other resources

to promote, create, develop, manage and supervise the suitable provision of allotments in Cromarty and its surrounding district, for the benefit of the members of the Society and the wider community.

to promote and represent members' interests and to encourage good relations with neighbours, relevant organisations (including the Highland Council) and the wider community.

to provide opportunities for the public to learn about allotments and gardens and their cultivation.

In pursuit of these Objects, the Society shall be non-political, non-sectarian and non-racial.

3. Powers

To further the above objects, the Society may:

employ and pay any person or persons to supervise, organise and carry on the work of the Society

engage and pay fees to professional and technical advisers/consultants to assist in the work of the Society

work together in partnership with representatives of voluntary organisations, government departments, local and other statutory authorities and individuals

take out membership of any organisations as are considered to be in the interests of the Society

promote and carry out or assist in promoting and carrying out research surveys and investigations and publish the results

arrange and provide for the holding of exhibitions, competitions, meetings, lectures, classes, seminars and training courses for members of the Society, the local community or the general public.

collect and disseminate information and exchange such information with other bodies having similar objects

produce and circulate documents, audio or visual materials or digital information to further the Society's objects.

Acquire and maintain seeds, plants, tools,and equipment and make these available for use by members of the Society. Tools and equipment are to be kept in secure locations(s) and maintained for the use of Society members by a nominated (or elected or paid) individual.

Purchase, take on lease or exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and any rights and privileges considered appropriate for the promotion of the objects and construct, maintain and alter any buildings considered appropriate for the work of the Society

make regulations for the management of any property, which may be so acquired.

sell. let, dispose of or turn to account all or any of the property or assets of the society.

raise funds by inviting and receiving contributions from any person or persons by way of subscription or otherwise, or by accepting gifts on such terms and on such security as shall be deemed appropriate.

invest the funds of the Society not immediately required for the objects in or upon such investments, securities or property as may be thought fit.

Do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Objects.

4. Membership

Ordinary Membership shall be open to all individuals over the age of 16 years, families and non-profit organisations resident within the Cromarty Community Council area, and whose fees are fully paid by the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Only Ordinary Members have a right to vote at General Meetings. Non-voting membership may be extended to other individuals or organisations at the Committee's discretion.

The annual Society membership fee for the following year shall be determined at the Society's AGM. Members will be notified of any proposed changes in fee at least four weeks prior to the AGM.

Allotment holders must be full members of the Society and must undertake to cultivate their allotment in accordance with the Society's rules.

The Society will maintain an Allotment Waiting List if necessary. This will be maintained in a strict consecutive manner, by the Secretary. In adding names to the Waiting List, the Secretary will employ an equal opportunities policy. The Secretary may refuse to add to the Waiting List any person known to have been expelled from an Allotment Society elsewhere.

The Committee shall have the right for good and sufficient reason (for example, anti-social behaviour or persistent non-cultivation of an allotment) to terminate a member's membership and where appropriate, allotment lease, provided that the member shall have a right to be heard by the Committee before this step is taken.

5. Meetings

Allotment Society Meetings shall be held on a suitable date quarterly. The meeting held in September will be the Annual General Meeting, when Committee members shall be appointed, or elected if there are more candidates than positions. Quorum for the meetings shall be 20% of the membership, rounded down, with a minimum of 4 members being present.

The Agenda for each Meeting will include an item for other relevant business to be raised by members without prior notice.

A majority of the Committee, or 5 members may call for an Extraordinary General Meeting by requesting this from the Secretary by email or in writing. Such a meeting should be held within one month of receipt of notification, giving members notice of at least 4 weeks.

Notice of any Allotment Society Meetings, together with the Agenda, will be notified to members by Email and by posting on the Allotment Society and Post Office Notice Boards.


6. Committee

Society members will elect/appoint a Committee of 3 members to the offices of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

Office bearers shall normally be appointed for a period of 2 years and may stand for re-election/re-appointment. Office bearers may be subject to removal by a majority of members present at a quorate M

The Committee shall manage the affairs of the Society between Meetings but shall carry out instructions given to them by a majority of members present at a Meeting.

If the Committee unanimously decide at any time that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Society, it shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting. Notice of such a meeting shall state the terms of the resolution to be proposed.

7. Rules and Procedures at Meetings

All Meetings will be chaired by the appointed Chair, or if necessary by an agreed substitute.

Voting will be decided by show of hands of Members present; written or email proxies will be accepted for resolutions noted in the meeting Agenda. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair will have a casting vote.

Quorum to be 20% of membership rounded down, minimum of 4 members

Disputes: Chair's decision is final with regard to the conduct of a meeting.

Resolution: any member can propose a resolution for discussion at a meeting. This should be submitted in writing/by email to the Secretary with Proposer and Seconder names, so it can be circulated to the members in advance of the meeting. A member can propose a resolution at a Meeting, but it will then be the Chair's decisions as to whether it can be put to the meeting. Constitutional amendments can only be proposed by Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting

8. Finance

All monies raised by the Committee shall be applied to further the Objects of the Society and for no other purpose.

No member of the committee shall normally be paid fees or receive any remuneration other than out-of-pocket expenses agreed in advance, on submission of receipts.

The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Society and shall pay all monies not immediately required into a bank account in the name of the Society, details of which are to be agreed with the Committee.

The accounts shall be passed to an independent agreed examiner for approval, so they can be appropriately circulated to members at the AGM.

In the event of the Society's dissolution, all liquid assets, after debt clearance, shall be donated to a relevant registered charity. Other assets shall pass to the Cromarty and District Community Council.

9. Alterations

Proposals to alter this Constitution must be ratified by a resolution adopted at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting, with approval by simple majority of those present or casting a recognised proxy vote


Health and Safety

Cromarty Allotments & Gardens Society has a health and safety policy in place, with a regular review taking place. You can download copies of the policy and the risk assessment form.



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