Angelo overcome a heart attack and stroke and was determined to get back on his allotment. Congratulations Angelo you showed great determination. |
 John Gill John is no novice to gardening as he`s had his allotment since 1973. A keen athlete he is the President of Haywards Heath Harriers having been a member for many years. John is now our Treasurer. |
 Zofia & Jolanta Mother and daughter Zofia and Jolanta. Zofia is originally from Poland, she`s being careful with the water with her tiny watering can. |
 Roy Austin Roy`s had his plot for about eight years just planting his tatties. |
 Gerry Larner plot 61 The house that Gerry built. Well not quite a house but an excellent water saving structure. |
 Kevin Laue plot 9 Kevin is from South Africa and shares his plot with his wife Anna. Kevin says things were a bit warmer in his garden back home. |
 Dave & Paula Bryant Dave & Paula are making a good job of their plot. Dave is an experienced farmer and gardener. Took the plot on last year. Another good water saving structure. |
 Tim Glennie Tim`s another newcomer.Just had an addition to the family a boy 6 weeks old. Again I`ve failed to take wife and baby`s name. Must try harder. |
 John & Jill Partis plot 27 John and Jill have been busy on their plot for 5 years another husband and wife allotment partnership. |
 Robin Harrison plot 93 Robin has just started his plot by the top gate, and he`s inundated with weeds at the moment. |
 James James is another new member and is doing the plot with Jessica, they live in Dellaney avenue. |
 Dionne & Michael This is Dionne & Michael`s plot and they travel a fair distance from Ardingly. |
 Russ Middleton Russ and daughters Ashleigh and Emma getting stuck in on Rose`s old plot. |
 Steve pictured with daughter Emily have taken over half of Gill Parsons plot 4A and is making a good job of it. |
 Chris & Sarah plot 73 Chris and Sarah have had their plot a few months and are enjoying the fresh air. |
 DAVE & AJAY Dave and Ajay took on plot 52 recently and have a plan to get things going on their new plot i.e. bring the whole family. |
 Steve & Barbara New comers Steve and Barbara are looking forward to learning as they go along as this is their introduction to gardening on an allotment. |
 Andrew Downey Andrew has taken over plot 14 by the small gate and has finally got all of the weeds out. |
 KEVIN PARKER Kevin plot 67 lives quite nearby and is looking forward to starting his plot in earnest in the spring. |
 Kelvin Whiley Kelvin lives just a stone`s throw away in Vale road. |
 YOUNG ELLIE Future allotment holder? Ellie three and a half. granddaughter of Ann plot 3. |
 Martin plot 49a Martin and friend Barry are new to allotment gardening but they are doing well. |
 Brian Flynn plot 31 Brian and partner are enjoying doing their plot had it for a few months. |
 Dave, Fiona and Ruth Dave, Fiona and Ruth are making a good job on plot 38. |
 Mick Pratt Mick has made a very good plot in the time that he has been here. |
 Mick Jewell Sorry Micks gone sideways again. |
 Nina and Jeff Nina and Jeff and their very laid back dog Rufus |
 Mike Steer Mike and Andi have taken plot 13. Mike is in the music business, and Andi runs 'The Standup' in Lindfield. |
 Tom and Joyce have the plot by the big gate with the greenhouse. |
 ,Steve Myatt Steve has plot 23 by the small gate with the polytunnel |
 DENISE ALSTONE PLOT 4 Welcome to Denise who has had a plot on the Summerhill lane site but has now moved to our allotments owing to a move of house. |
 Plot 83 Caroline & Emmanuel with their four children. |
 SARA Sara Mannion has taken on plot 30 Sara lives in Haywards road so not too far away. |
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