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Rogues Gallery ~ Oriel Dihurod

This gallery will give you a taste of what you can expect at a Samhain we are busy at our various activities and crafts:

Mae’r oriel ‘ma yma i roi blas i chi o beth i'w ddisgwyl yn un o ddigwyddiadau Samhain… dyma ni’n brysur wrthi gyda wahanol grefftau a gweithgareddau:

That's not can try your hand at calligraphy and drawing using authentic tools with the help of the scribe; grind your own flour; see the bowman at work and learn woodcrafting skills from him; and maybe even see some swordplay in progress!

Ond nid dyna ddiwedd y gân... fedrwch chi roi dro ar lawysgrifen gan ddefnyddio offer dilys o'r cyfnod gyda chymorth yr ysgrifennydd; malu blawd; gweld y bwawr wrth ei waith a dysgu gwaith coed ganddo; a falle gweld cyminedd ar y gweill!

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