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Martha Frew Home


Martha Frew JP, Dunfermline

A small reference in a link about Martha Frew and her work in Dunfermline.

The link below appears to be broken. The work of Martha Frew as a Councillor was quite extraordinary and is recorded in early Dunfermline Council Records held in the Dunfermline Library. An oil painting of her existed, and must be part of the Common Weal as a heritable asset for Dunfermline. I have to date been unable to trace where it is held. (Ed.)

I have tried to no avail to find this picture that existed until only a few decades ago. i understand that at Regional Buildings Kirkaldy there is an inventory in progress of items but to date this is an unknown... Maybe it could be languishing in some Council cellar!

Should any one know of Martha Frew and her work please contact the editor using the 'ADD INFORMATION' tab.


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There are a few notes and information about Martha Frew and her many good works for Dunfermline. The Public Library in Dunfermline have a small amount of information about her extraordinary work for Dunfermline folk.

Contact    marthafrewhome@orangehome.co.uk

Keavil House now a hotel had a long history before being sold to the Town Council. A potted history will be included in time on this page.

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