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prayer request
Compassion or Prayer support

Peace and the Grace of our Living Lord are with you all now and forever. Amen.

Oh! My Beloved Brothers/Sisters in Christ name:

Do you know that whatever Lord Jesus was done, He was done everything successfully through Praying while He was on the Earth. For every work Jesus was started with Prayer only and done everything successfully. And Bible also tells us that whatever we want to do; just do it by praying and submitting all to the Christ Jesus and then rest will be done by Lord Savior Jesus Christ.

We believe that “Prayer will go at where we can’t go;
Prayer can see that what we can’t see;
Prayer can stay at where we can’t stay;
Everything will be possible to us only through Prayer.”

That is why; we need your Prayer support to see the Christ Miracles upon HIS Beloved’s Ministries. So that we are requesting you all that please pray for us that Lord has to come to bless us in every respect and clear all of our unsolved problems.

Just Stand for HIS servants by praying and pass this prayer request to all of your friends and Church members because we need such a powerful and working Prayer support from everybody to see HIS wonders on this Beloved’s Ministries which was started and elected by Jesus.

Kindly Pray for Beloved’s School:

By FAITH only, we decided to give the free education to destitute, needy and source less children’s and adults in Christ Jesus name from this Academic Year onwards. To start this Free School we need enough own land and school rooms and school materials like school benches, books, library and other needy things. And to run this Free School we don’t have any financial sources from anyone but We decided to start this Beloved’s School with Faith and Courage and to give the free education to above said children’s and adults . Not only to give the free education but also we decided in Christ name to feed the destitute, orphans, and School children’s. So that kindly pray for Beloved’s School that Lord Christ will come to meet all of our requirements on before June 10th.

Kindly Pray for Beloved’s Widows:

In our Beloved’s Ministries there are so many widows and old-aged peoples and other source less people looking for daily requirements like milk, food, clothes, sleeping cots, separate rooms and other needy things just as every common people needs. But we are giving some sources to such kind of peoples as we are too sustaining by the Lord every time though every time helping and taking care about such king of peoples is very hard to help them every time without having any financially sources.
Beloved’s Ministries doesn’t having any financial supporters but simple running and doing everything by Faith and Looking above for HIS grace to do as HE said to us.
So that Pray for them that Lord will meet them by giving every need of their lives. If just possible to you to help them then just do it in Christ name for them otherwise just pray for them confidently and faithfully that they will be fulfilled by the Lord Jesus every time until the end of their lives.

Kindly Pray for Church of King of Kings:

Do you know that we are only concentrating on little kids, children’s and youth peoples because we want make them as a great preachers and servants of Lord Jesus Christ and our main aim is to train them in a perfect way since the childhood stage . If we train them since that age then they will never go away from the Perfect Path. That is why; we are doing so many works for them in Christ name with different forms so that kindly pray for us and Let Lord uses us and uses these children’s more powerfully for HIS works in the days to come .And our Beloved’s Children’s and Church members praying more strongly than we never seen and expected before for this Entire World. Though we need enough Christian tracks in our own languages and also we need Bibles, so that kindly pray for our requirements that Lord will bless us to print the tracks and give the bibles freely to all un-reached areas of Christ.

Kindly Pray for all the Projects of Beloved’s Ministries:

We need your powerful prayer support to do and start the all the projects of Beloved’s Ministries and It is aiming on to save the lost and feed the orphans, widows and trying to give the help to poor pastors and poor churches and giving the enough sources to diseased peoples and still so many aims we have today to do. But you known that today whatever we want to do, we need at least some financial sources that is why; just pray for us that Lord has to come to bless us more financially so that we will be done what HE started with us in the days to come.

Just Pray for us daily and tell about us with your friends and church members and If we pray altogether for this Beloved’s Ministries then Lord will definitely choose someone to do HIS works through this Beloved’s Ministries. So will you be ready to stand to Pray for us and Will you be ready to test your Prayer and Spiritual power by Praying for Beloved’s Ministries. If Lord done any kind of miracles then surely we will glorify HIS name by telling you that what He will be done for us.

We hope that Your Prayer Power will do a great work for Beloved’s Ministries. If you pray for us then it is also one kind of involving into HIS work and it may helps you to grow more spiritually and help us to grow in HIS loving Fellowship with oneness.

Let us pray together for this Beloved’s Ministries that Lord has to come to bless this Ministries works in all respect……………..Continue your prayer now with us from wherever you are now………………………..in Christ name ……..

Yours truly
Beloved’s Ministries.
Kindly Contact to : belovedchrist@hotmail.com

Posted by prasanth on 27 May 2007
re: posting again
I have been posting since 2002 and have been unwell for some time so that's probably why I lost track of how I got your addy and name and what we were posting about. You need have no fear...Our Glorious Father has brought these post's back
today again for His eternal purpose. I live to have more of Jesus, more of obedience to
Him. I lay myself on the altar always in the shadow of the cross. More of Him until the light that shines in my yes is no longer flesh but the light of His Almighty glory. Eternal Love
Posted by Melissa Marshall on 27 May 2007
Praise God for His faithfulness..thank you so much for posting..please continue to post..please join us..
Posted by Betty on 27 May 2007
just checking this site out my friend..God Bless
Posted by Carl on 26 May 2007
Hi Betty. Well, I got this far ;)
Posted by Ann-Louise on 26 May 2007
Let this work show the love of lord for all nations!
May God belss you and all your seeds that you brought here and may his glory shine in your life and your ministry.Good job!!!!
Posted by obssie on 26 May 2007
lets be friends
Posted on 25 May 2007
Great Site Betty
Posted on 22 May 2007
Posted on 22 May 2007
Posted on 22 May 2007
prayers and your site
Posted on 22 May 2007
What is allowed?
Posted on 22 May 2007
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