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Loving The Unlovable

by Herbert Vander Lugt - 06:28 on 22 May 2007

Loving The Unlovable 

READ: Luke 19:1-10  


The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. —Luke 19:10 

Zacchaeus was easy to dislike. As a tax collector for an oppressive occupying government, he made himself rich by overcharging his countrymen. Yet, to the consternation of the crowd, Jesus honored him by going to his house and eating with him.

A judge with a reputation for toughness tells how he learned to relate to unlovable people. In a Sunday morning homily his clergyman urged the congregation to try to look at people through the eyes of Jesus. 

A few days later the judge was about to give a stiff sentence to an arrogant young man who kept getting in trouble. But then he remembered what the minister had suggested. The judge said, "I looked this young man in the eye and told him I thought he was a bright and talented human being. And then I said to him, 'Let's talk together about how we can get you living in more creative and constructive ways.' We had a surprisingly good conversation."

Jesus saw Zacchaeus as a sinner with an empty hole that only He could fill, and through His kindness Zacchaeus was transformed. The judge could not report any such change, but who knows the long-term outcome? He set a good example for all of us, because he saw the man through the eyes of Jesus.  Herbert Vander Lugt 

We need to see through Jesus' eyes
Our neighbors who are lost;
For then we will reach out to them,
Regardless of the cost.  -Sper

True compassion will put love into action.


Comment from Donna C. Matthews at 15:47 on 22 May 2007.
I was praying and I began to think about when I was a teen-ager, and the wonderful fellowship we had. Where I live there are alot of small villages, which are not doing so well. With lack of jobs people move to the big cities. In fact I have spent years studying maps and history, writing to Senators and Representatives and to no avail. So I had to pray and it seems refocus. What did God want me to do? Than today while praying, I remembered that as a teen-ager we would choose a couple of people to drive vans, each pitch in a little money for gas, and drive to these little villages, one week one village, and the next week another village, and visit their church or fellowship. This was a wonderful learning experience for us and visiting other churches in small villages really connected us to other Christians. I pray that we continue to visit churches and fellowships in small villages and to connect to Christians who may in many ways be isolated.
Comment from Donna C. Matthews at 00:09 on 25 May 2007.
What can I do to help, I asked the Lord? And than I saw homeless people living in the park, persecuted Christians on the internet, Christians isolated from other
Christians, mostly empty churches in tiny villages waiting for us to visit, the hungry, the lost, the lonely, those who hungered for God's word, those for his love, those who can not find a job, and those who simply need to know the Lord, What can I do to help Lord Jesus?
Donna Matthews
Comment from Donna C. Matthews at 04:05 on 25 May 2007.
Hi brothers and sisters,
I can research your family trees, research the history of villages or churches, I can do a search on where your ancestors are buried at, through the research of records and maps. I have researched my own family tree and am familiar with where to find records and how to study historical facts, plus I can trace a map for you to show you which communities your ancestors lived in. This is side work to help me to survive; however, all my work is of a Christian nature. I asked for permission. God Bless you! If your interested, contact me at bigc1dc@yahoo.com or Donna Matthews, Box 633, McCook, Nebraska 69001
Comment from Donna C. Matthes at 05:01 on 26 May 2007.
Faith to me is being able to believe that Jesus will be there for me and answer my prayer. Faith is also believing that Jesus is God's son, who has died for my sin, risen again, and whom I have confessed my sin, asked for forgiveness, and turned my life over to Jesus, Faith is following Jesus no matter what.
Comment from Donna C. Matthews at 05:07 on 26 May 2007.
Material things are nice to have but can be lost as easily as they are picked up, they do not give you eternal life, the peace and joy that Jesus give you, and are nothing more than a desire for the moment.
Material things do not give you spiritual growth.
Comment from Betty at 12:24 on 26 May 2007.
Wonderful Donna..I added your reply's to the bible study page.
Comment from Chris at 22:10 on 26 May 2007.
Aren't we all un-loveable sometimes :) I need to remember this when I come upon someone that is having a bad day. I do not know what has happened to them and a smile or holding the door open for them or maybe paying for their 'small' purchase can make all the difference in the world to them. And if they ask why, well the Lord has opened a door and planted a seed, or maybe watered it.
Comment from Donna C. Matthews at 17:05 on 28 May 2007.
Praying on an old abandoned Highway I have had more prayer time than at any other time. God has shown me more things, and I have grown closer to God than at any other time. Surrounded by nature, a gentle, serene atmosphere, I to feed thefind I hear God more clearly, without the clamor of voices elsewhere. I hope that we all find an old, abandoned highway where we can hear God's voice clearly.
Dear Lord,
The persecuted Christian, both those who must flee and those who must stay in place, are fulfilling prophecy. But does that mean we should stop praying for your children and your people, Lord Jesus? No, you have shown us that we are your servants and here to help and pray for others. So please help us pray for the persecuted Christian, that your servants be strengthened and receive renewed energy and that those who need your help will receive it. That you will guide them to safety and fill them with your Holy Spirit. That their needs will be met and you will walk by their side.
In Jesus Name,
The new immigration bill will cause an upheaval, causing both bad and good things to happen. Some immigrants will be allowed to stay and some will have to leave. Families will be separated, heartache will come about, and an underground will develop. The most frightening thing of all will happen, electronic monitoring devices will be used. If they decide to insert chips or mark their body in any way the immigrants will have to decide whether to receive the mark of the beast or to remain faithful to God. This is foretold in the bible. Certain things should have to take place but I am certain that the government has devised a plan for electronic devices, because this has been repeated many times in the news.
We need to ready to help the immigrants, to bind their wounds, to pray for them, to help their families, to minister to their needs and to be a friend.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Prepare Men and Women of God to go into Mexico to help those who are sent back to Mexico. Help us to help the families that have been separated, to minister to their needs, to pray for them, to bring your word to them, to tell about your salvation, to help them and to encourage them, help us to resist the mark of the beast. Perhaps it is not time for that but yet we can not ignore what the government is doing with electronic devices. Prepare us for what will happen, help us to be strong and faithful, keep us safe, keep the immigrants safe, pray for those who have and will go underground. Send Men of God (who may face prison for Jesus sake) to help the underground immigrant and to help the underground Christian. Help us to be wise yet innocent!
There are more homeless than ever before. Help us to minister to their spiritual needs, teach them, pray for them,hold bible studies for them and I pray that you send professionals and rehabilitative shelters to meet their needs, Lord Jesus, some Christians are isolated, in small villages, in homeless shelters, in hospitals, or prisons, in their homes, and other places. Help us to visit when we can, pray for the isolated and reach out however way we can. Let us visit churches, bible studies, and prayer meetings in the small villages all over wherever we can.
In Jesus name,
Comment from Donna Matthews at 04:03 on 01 June 2007.
I went to a village that for all practical purposes does not exist. I just wanted to see that tiny village.
As I was driving on the highway to the village, which is called Marion, I saw the sun's rays break through the clouds, and it actually seemed as if they were over the town of Marion.
I found that the one remaining building was a church. An old church badly in need of repair and sadly, boarded up, but at one time that church must of been beautiful. There were a few private homes in the area, but no storefronts of any kind were left.
One person, who did not live too far from the church, had a vineyard. That is almost symbolic. I felt such a peace about church, that I almost did not want to leave. But practicality won. I do plan to go back there again and take photographs of that old church, which in it's day must have been a very spiritual place indeed. And it made me think of all the brothers and sisters that we do not know and that exist in this world. That is an awesome thought. I wish I could buy that old church and restore it to it's former glory but for now that is just a dream.
Comment from Betty at 17:37 on 01 June 2007.
Just wonderful Donna

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