Get your free website from Spanglefish
This is a free Spanglefish 2 website.


Commissions taken for

Pet Portraits




Exhibitions arranged at venues to make charity
and other events very colourful








Cheryl Firth is not responsible for any advertisements placed on this website by the hosting service and does not endorse them in any way whatsoever.

Cheryl's works of art are copyright and must not be copied without her permission.

Information is put on this website in good faith and no responsibilty can be accepted for any errors or omisions that may occur from time to time.

Copyright 2013 - all rights reserved.


Cheryl wishes to thank Elaine Griffin and Mike Davies for providing the photographs, also thanks to Sarah Mayberry Thomas and her team for their help at the December 2013 exhibition at Victoria Gardens. 


Website design and layout by


Guardian Website Resources 
















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