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PLANT SALE 18th MAY click here for more details


2024 Summer Show - 10 August, Gordon Memorial Hall, Rosemarkie

Last year's Show again saw the Gordon Memorial Hall crammed with a magnificent display of flowers, produce, food, crafts and photographs. And outside, the sun shone long enough for competitors to empty their Tubs of Tatties – although the judges weighing the entries did get soaked in a torrential downpour while the rest of us retreated into the Hall!

This year’s Show will be held on Saturday 10th August, again at the Gordon Memorial Hall, Rosemarkie. You can download the Show Schedule, which lists all the classes in the Show and explains how it works, here. If you have any questions please get in touch. 


Tub of Tatties and TBI Potato Day

We're also running our "Tub of Tatties" competition again this year – you can find details in the Schedule. We’ll be selling kits for the competition at Transition Black Isle’s Potato Day on 2nd March in North Kessock https://www.transitionblackisle.org/potato-day-2024, where you can also buy a wide range of potato varieties and onion sets.


Plant Sale

This year’s BIHS Plant Sale will be held outside at the Gordon Memorial Hall, Rosemarkie, on Saturday 18th May. We’ll provide more details nearer the time, but as usual we’ll have a wide range of interesting plants. We’ll also welcome any donations to the Sale – if you can sow a few extra seeds for us, or pot up some surplus plants, we’ll be very grateful.



About us

The Black Isle Horticultural Society is a community group that holds a friendly local Summer Show, with exhibitors mainly from the Black Isle.  There are classes for Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Fruit, Vegetables, Baking, Preserves, Crafts, and Photographs. We've also got a section for under 14s, a Novice section for people who haven't entered or won before, and we have a new class for Botanical Illustration. We particularly welcome new visitors and exhibitors. You can find out more about the Show here.

We also run a very popular spring Plant Sale, with a wide range of interesting plants, including some unusual ones. You can find more details here.

The BIHS is run by a small committee of volunteers, who meet to organise our events. If you want to find out more about the Society, to help with our events, or have any questions, please get in touch using our Feedback page.

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