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Poems that may help you through the journey of grieving.

Some new and some old, credit given where known and links to the poets  website.

Should you have a poem that may be suitable for this page

please contact me via FEEDBACK.





A baby too soon shocked from mother's womb

May linger on for several painful days.
The life force is as strong as is a lion;
And infants too are subject to its sway.
A tree cut down when full of summer leaves
Will struggle on and take a month to die.
And so it is with friendship which is scorned;
Our grief takes time to dissipate and fly.
Bereft of love and child and human touch,
Be careful when you slip from human grasp.
The knife that pierced the heart will cause no gain;
And should we live we feel a bitter pain.
Though cunning wiles and tricks may give the lie,
When you use them,your own heart too will die.


Goodbye,my love

I have loved you and I've held you.

Many years,you have been mine;

If the time has come for parting

Let us embrace for one last time.

You know you have to leave me,

Though you desire a longer stay.

Let me hold you in my arms now

For just tonight and perhaps one day.

Then I'll watch you travel on,sweet.

We take this last step all alone.

I'll be here beside you watching.

I shall feel when you are gone.

May you accept, may you surrender.

I hope you reach the promised land.

Into this earth my tears will fall, love,

As I recall your tender hands.

Copyright Kathryn Braithwaite. 2012. Poems and other items of interest can be found at, http://kathrynbraithwaite.blog.co.uk/

( Please contact Kathryn to use this poem )

Special Little Spirit.


 'You're a Special Little Spirit,' the all great Master said,
As he gently caressed the curly blond hair of the Little Spirit's Head.
'you need to go to Earth to spend some time, you know,
A place I send most Spirits to be tested, to learn, to grow.

The Little Spirit, in sadness, slowly bowed her head,
And from her eye a tear did steal and down her cheek it shed.
'Don't you fret now little one, I won't let you stay too long,
I'll bring you back to help me here, You'll hardly know you've been gone.
You're my choicest Little Spirit, you're the apple of my eye.'
And he wiped the tear and gently kissed His Little Spirit good-bye.

'I'm back,' the Little Spirit whispered, as she climbed onto her Master's knee,
And the Master said, 'I told you, you would not be long away from me.'
And then, the Lord, He noticed still another tear welled in her eye.
'Why are you so sad, Little Spirit, whatever should make you cry?'

'I'm glad I'm back,' the Spirit said, 'but Master you must surely know,
When your angel came to get me, I didn't want to go.
I know you said you needed me and that I'd be gone the shortest while,
But Lord, couldn't I have had a little longer earthly trial?'

The Master let the Little Spirit slip down from His knee,
He firmly took the little hand and said,'Come walk with me.'
The Little Spirit and her Lord walked slowly hand in hand,
As the Master explained Her special part in the great and marvelous plan.

'Now Lord, I don't mean to argue, I understand you need me home.
But I left in such a hurry, I left everyone hurting and so alone.
I didn't let my earthly parents know how much I loved them so.
I was much too small to tell them, Lord, how will they ever know?
They feel they've been cheated, and in a way so do I.
Not getting to share any more than we did, how can I ever tell them why?'

'Little Spirit, I know your heart is heavy with the message you need to share.
But you need not worry anymore, I'll watch over your loved ones there.
I'll send them loving comfort as a strong and helping hand.
I'll content and give peace to their aching hearts, so they will understand.

The Little Spirit looked up at her Master and said 'Thank you for explaining it to me.
And could you please tell them I'm safe and happy and that someday they'll be here with me.'

'Yes,' said the Lord with a smile and a nod, 'I'll tell them all that I can.'
Then the others came to see the Little Spirit, as the Lord let go of her hand.
He said, 'I'll tell them you're pure, as pure as Heaven's Gold,
That I needed the warmth of your perfect soul to keep Heaven from getting cold.'

Author Unknown

My Christmas Wish For You

My Christmas wish for you, my friend
Is not a simple one
For I wish you hope and joy and peace
Days filled with warmth and sun

I wish you love and friendship too
Throughout the coming year
Lots of laughter and happiness
To fill your world with cheer

May you count your blessings, one by one
And when totaled by the lot
May you find all you've been given
To be more than what you sought

May your journeys be short, your burdens light
May your spirit never grow old
May all your clouds have silver linings
And your rainbows pots of gold

I wish this all and so much more
May all your dreams come true
May you have a Merry Christmas friend
And a happy New Year, too ..

(Julie Mummy Of Megan Aspinall)

 Everything passes and vanishes;
Everything leaves its trace;
And often you see in a footstep
What you could not see in a face.

From the book, "Poems of Rememberance" I found this by William Allingham 1824=89.


Dance with the children
and ring with the music,
enjoy yourself and be happy,
smile and cry sing and dance,
laugh and be sad.
share moments and express feelings.
stengthen and weaken.
love and smile.
you are still young, your life is yours.
forever will i miss you.
but now I've been laid to rest.
the angel came i got my wings.
i can fly, and i can sore
i can reach where I've never been before.
close your eyes see I'm still standing there. 

Life Goes On
by Tarna


Some days I'm missing you.
Some days I don't know what to do.
I hear my voice hum melodies you wrote.
I wonder how you found the silver notes.
The air is soft,the trees now green

Oh,tell me ,tell me where've you been?

Some days are slow yet full of peace.
Some days are slow with tears and grief.
I look at all the books you wrote,
I see your scarf and overcoat.
The sky's soft blue folds gently round.
Oh,won't you tell me where you've gone?

These days,I miss your tender touch.
Those daydI never knew you meant so much.
I hear the birds sing in the trees.
I hear the humming honey bees.
The strawberries ripen in your pot,
I think I hear you,I forgot.
The air is mild,the rain falls now,
Life is going on somehow.

Some days I'm missing you so much,
I miss your glances and your loving touch.
The cat sits by your old black shoes,
As he washes his front paws.
The air glows with reflected light
I see you at the edge of sight.

Some days,some days,I feel I can't go on.
Some days I want just one person.
Our trees are waving in the breeze,
I wish the whole wide world would freeze.
No-one else can fill this gap.....
You've strayed right off my lifetime map.

Goodbye,goodbye I sing your song.
Goodbye,goodbye,love's never wrong.
The sun is high in this June sky
I wish that lovers never died.
I wish that you were by my side.
I'll let this sorrow be my guide.
Goodbye,I know now you have gone,
And for me you were the one!



By kind permission of  Kathryn Braithwaite,

 for permission to copy or to discover more please visit http://kathrynbraithwaite.blog.co.uk/ 



Dear Wendy, I wrote this for you...I'm sending it to you will all my love...

The Lost Battle

Life deals us blows, harsh and cruel at times,
we stagger beneath their weight wondering
why me? What did I do to deserve this pain?
One can be enough to leave us reeling
but they have a habit of turning up in twos,
or even threes, like torrential rain to batter us down.

Getting up again is harder than it seems.
When you’re down so low, the world appears
too much to bear. Easier to stay down,
to hide yourself somewhere away from it all.
But life carries on around you relentlessly,
it does not stop for you, no time to recover,
to put a balm over the pain, you must get up again.

Helping hands can assist your rising,
but none can take the pain away from you.
Bewildered by the intensity of your distress,
the depth of agony the blows evoke,
you will stand like a sentinel on guard
at the doorway to your mind trying to stay sane.
In the face of overwhelming odds, you fight to live.

Most win the battle for survival, but some do not.
In a world devoid of hope, some cannot rise.
The will to live takes flight letting in despair.
In the loneliness of the battle lost, they sink
beneath the waves and flee from all the pain,
choosing death instead of life and wounding
those left behind forever by their leaving in such a way.

We cannot blame or judge another wounded
human being for losing the battle for life,
nor is it easy to comprehend the depths
of pain that led to their terrible decision.
All we can do is mourn their tragic passing,
and try to remember the wonder of their being
while sending them on their way with all our love.

These words were written by  Jenny Hunter.

By kind permission of  Jenny Hunter, for permission to copy or to discover more please visit http://jenray.blog.co.uk/ 

You can shed tears that she has gone
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close you eyes and pray that she’ll come back
or you can open your eyes and see all she’s left.
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her and only that she’s gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she’d want: smile, open your eyes,
love and go on.



If I should ever leave you,
Whom I love
To go along the silent way,
Grieve not,
Nor speak of me with tears.

But laugh and talk of me
as if I were beside you there
For I will come-I'll come!
Would I not find a way,
Were tears and grief not be barriers?

And when you hear a song or see a bird I loved,
Please do not let your thoughts of me be sad.
For I am loving you just as I always have . . .
You who were so good to me!

There are so many thing I wanted still to do-
So many things to say to you . . .
Remember, please, that I did not fear death.
It was just leaving you that was so hard to face.

You cannot see beyond this life
But this you know . . . I loved you so
Never doubt that I am with you still!
For love does not die with the body
And nothing in heaven or on earth
Can keep apart those who love. 

Author unknown.

Meet you at the gate
© Barbara Bailey 
A beautiful garden now stands alone,
missing the one who nurtured it
But now she is gone,
Her flowers still bloom,and the sun it still shines,
But the rain is like tear drops ,for the ones left behind,
The weeds lay waiting to take the gardens beauty away,
But the beautiful memories of its keeper are in our hearts to stay,
she loved every flower even some that were weeds,
So much love she would plant with each little seed,
But just like her flowers she was part of Gods plan,
So when it was her time he reached down his hand,
He look through the Garden searching for the best,
Thats when he found Robin,it was her time to rest,
It was hard for those who loved her,to just let her go,
But God had a spot in his garden,that needed a gentle soul,
So when you start missing Robin,remember if you just wait,
When God has a spot in his garden,She'll meet you at the gate....

 Barbara Bailey  http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/death/poetry.asp?poem=15022



The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the others welcome, and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was yourself.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the letters from the bookshelf, the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

These are words by Derek Walcott. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derek_Walcott

I Cannot Think You're Not Alive Somewhere 

I cannot think you're not alive somewhere.
I think of you just as I did before.
No sudden gust of wind has closed the door
Or made your presence vanish in thin air.
I write you this because I know you're there;
That even after death there must be more.
So does faith one's inner sun restore
After bitter darkness few can bear.
My mind and heart have not yet lost a friend
Even though my senses are bereft,
For you remain the witness of my soul.
No mere accident our love can end
So long as I have will and memory left,
And you lie silent on some unknown shoal.

Nicholas Gordon.

Taken from the site, http://www.poemsforfree.com/icanno.html 


My Adam

by Tracy Lamont

I walked away that morning, without a backward glance,
I didn't know that moment was going to be our last.
The last time I would hold you or see your lovely face,
The last time I would kiss you and feel your strong embrace.

So solid and so real,so vibrant and alive,
A happy face with twinkling eyes, my fine young man, my child.
My first-born son, my Adam, the apple of my eye,
so cruelly taken from me, I never said goodbye.

The shattered remnant of my heart is strangely beating still,
with holes so black and fathomless no light could ever fill.
I don't know how I face each day without my darling boy.
Gone is all the happiness, the love of life, the joy.

The years stretch on before me, so bleak and dark and long,
I pray you walk beside me, son, and help to keep me strong.
And when my life is over, come to me on that day,
and smile at me and hold me tight and carry me away.

the wind that whispers through the trees, the brightest star at night,
a rainbow on a dismal day, a shaft of golden light,
All these are signs you send to me, a message from above,
that even death can't break the bonds of Son and Mother Love... 



When the storm inside is raging
When the night has trapped your fears
When the nightmare starts unfolding
When you cannot stem your tears.
I shall see you in your sorrow
I shall feel your deep despair
Softly fold my arms around you
Let you know that I am there.
I have passed the veil of knowledge
Leaving you with earthly gloom
Heaven floats and flows between us
Death is neither end nor doom.
In the sunshine of our memories
Spun by silver thread so fine
Lives a picture of our loving
All is saved which is divine.
Hold our love which is forever
Call me and I'm by your side
Trust the voice you hear within you
Sending love from heaven's side.  



September Sadness. 

Melancholy month when morning dew
Hangs like the tears I cried over you
Misty-eyed mornings stirring anew
Feelings thought hidden brought clearly to view.

Sad, sad September you’ve come round once again
The hurt is still hurting, the pain is still pain
Why does my heartache and heartbreak remain?
Will my life ever be complete once again?

Green leaves are turning, beginning to die
They will fall to the ground like the tears I now cry
There’s a chill in my heart even though I do try
To forget that sad year when we both said goodbye.

September release me, please let me be free
Of these feelings of sadness of things not to be
Let me bask in the sunshine, let me bathe in the sea
Give me a purpose, a reason, a new happier me.

Shed no tears for September, no more autumn rain
Shed no tears for the past for there’s nothing to gain.

©Marian Barker

By permission of the poet.

Other poems by Marian Barker can be found at, http://mypoetry.blog.co.uk/


"Keeper of My Heart"

Think of me at night when sleep is near
And I who love you are so far away
Think of me then and I will come to you
Nor leave you till the night turns into day
Stretch forth thy hand and through the depths of dark
Another hand will touch thy fingertips
And as of old my voice will breath thy name
And press a kiss upon thy sleeping lips.

Author unknown.



There is nothing I can do,
to make her come back
There are no words I can say,
that can replace the words you long to hear
There are no answer's I can give,
that will satisfy your questions
There is not another soul I can introduce you to that will ever replace hers
And, there is no love I can offer that will ever replace the love you shared
I can not promise your broken heart will ever be complete
I will not say it could have been worse
I will not deny it was a tragedy
I will not lie and tell you she will come back
She never really left
I do promise she hears you when you speak
I will say she loves you no matter the distance
I will not deny she is in a better place
And, I will not lie; she is waiting to greet you someday
She is every you step you take
She is in everything you do
She is the air you breathe
She is every beat of your heart
' She is like the wind. You can not see her...but you will always feel her'  

Author unknown.

My first Christmas in Heaven.

I've had my first Christmas in Heaven,
A glorious, wonderful day!
I stood with the saints of the ages,
Who found Christ, the truth and the Way.

I sang with the Heavenly choir:
Just think! I who loved to sing!

And, Oh! What celestial music
We brought to our Savior and King!

We sang the glad songs of redemption,
How Jesus to Bethlehem came,
And how they had called His name Jesus,
That all might be saved through His name.

We sang once with the angels,
The song that they spoke that blessed morn
When shepherds first heard the glad story
That Jesus, the Savior, was born.

O dear ones, I wish you had been here.
No Christmas on earth could compare
With all the rapture and glory
We witnessed in Heaven so fair.

You know how I always loved Christmas;
It seemed such a wonderful day,
With all of my loved ones around me,
The children so happy and gay.

Yes, now I can see why I loved it.
And Oh, what a joy it will be
When you and my loved ones are with me,
To share in the glories I see.

So, dear ones on earth, here’s my greeting,
Look up till the day dawn appears,
And Oh, what a Christmas awaits us
Beyond our parting tears.

Author unknown.


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