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Life after death?



My answer? I don't think so.

If you believe that there is, I am happy for you. I believe that we get just one chance and that is whilst we live on earth, a chance to live a good life, a life where you do you best to help others, to remember the commandments that we find in the Holy Bible. I am not a believer but I do believe that the Bible is a guide to living a good life.


My answer? I don't think so.

Well, not places that you go to when you die, but, places where those left behind understand that you have gone to by their words and the words of others. If the words spoken about you are good words, then you have gone to heaven. If the words spoken about you are bad words, then you have gone to hell.


You will end up in the right place depending on how you lived your life on earth.



BEREAVEMENT. GRIEVING or MOURNING the LOSS OF A LOVED ONE. DEPRESSION from GRIEVING. How long should we grieve? Will we cope with GRIEF? How do we cope with GRIEF?.


Well, yes, there is. I have my answer and others have their answer, Which answer is right? None of them, because there is no one answer that fits all, we are all different so we must find our own way.

It upset me to read a website that suggested that it was right to grieve after the loss of a loved one for ever, maybe there are some folk that wish to do so, that is their decision, but encouraging that course, in my opinion, is wrong.

It is the most natural thing in the world to grieve over your loss, but, you are still alive and life must be lived. Of course your life has changed, of course everything will now be different, how could it not be.

Your loved one is still with you, not in a form that you will recognise, but within your memory, you will never forget. That memory of all the love that they gave you, all the things that they did for you, the things that you shared together, the good times and the bad times, these memories will remain until the day that you die, as inevitably, we all must, and, possibly, leave behind someone that is grieving for our passing.

Let us consider our own passing, would you wish that those that are left behind should devote their lives to your memory, maybe to the extent of giving up living their own lives, to be miserable, perhaps becoming depressed and the terrible consequences that can follow deep depression. Of course you would not.

Would your lost loved one wish you to be like that?

There will be a period of time when you will not want to be a part of the world, when you will not want to move on, and I am sure that is right. You will live in your own world and eventually notice that your actions, thoughts and ways are alien to the you that you used to know, that is very normal_ see My Story_and you will start to make decisions about your future life.

Don’t grieve for ever just because of what some others may think is right, unfortunately their are some that have made an industry out of the grieving of others. “ After Loss” does want you to move on, believes that when the time is right for you, you should move on. Believes that your loved one would want you to move on.


Note. I am not a trained counsellor, I write what I believe to be right based on a personal experience of bereavement and speaking with others. I am not a believer in the after life but I do believe, should there be a God he/she would not be offended by my beliefs.


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