Upgrade your Spanglefish website to Gold Status
Upgrading to GOLD not only switches off the Google Ads which help pay for hosting our FREE sites, but it also gives you many extras which help to make your site even easier to manage and look more professional too.
- Second-level pages - as many as you want
- Unlimited number of images and documents
- Choice of horizontal or left menu style
- Advanced Paypal Shopping Cart
- Switch on/off the right-hand column
- Add your own sponsors adverts
You can upgrade at anytime using the form in your admin panel of your website. Alternatively, you can use the form below:
I am currently recommending Spanglefish to everyone I come into contact with; for the opportunity to create a freely-hosted website it makes the opposition pale into insignificance.Patricia Colling
The spanglefish system has been great for the new and improved greeninverness website, it's easy to update, simple to use but still a very professional looking site. Thanks for all your help in making the process of moving to a Spanglefish site so hassle free.Green Inverness
If you're looking at this Spanglefish home page wondering whether to take the plunge, my advice is to DIVE IN! Spanglefish took me from loser to cruiser in a brainwave! I have spent many years paying other people to make web sites for me because I couldn't find a CMS that understood me – well as scary as it might sound, Spanglefish thinks like me...simple, straight to the point and flexible. Oh, and the guys are very helpful. Thanks Spanglefish, you're bonza! :0)Craig Coultman-Smith