Neil MacNeills Canna Census 1764-65 The East end
Here follows the names of all those that have their land from Mr McLeod in Canna.
John Kenady 37
Cathrina McLean his wife 32
Angus Kenady his son 7
Archibald Kenady his son 5
Murdow Kenady his son 4
John McArthor 60
Mary McDonald his wife 56
Duncan McArthor his son 27
Malcum McArthor his son 22
Ranald McArthor his son 17
Allexr McArthor his son 9
Angus McArthor his son 5
Mary McDonald servant 19
Anguss McCormick 27
Caristina McKinnon his wife 30
Petter McCormick his son 17
Kett McCormick his daughter 10
Murdow McLeod 34
Margrat McLeod his wife 30
Donald McLeod his son 7
Effie McLeod his daughter 6
Caristina McLeod his daughter 3
Archibald McIllireach servant 30
Kett Carn servant maid 40
Kett McDugall servant 21
Donald McAllpin 40
Ann McKinnon his wife 46
Donald McAllpin his servant 21
Angus McArthor 56
Mary McDonald his wife 47
John McArthor his son 22
Funlay McArthor his son 19
Marion McArthor his daughter 17
Allan McArthor his son 15
Ranald McArthor his son 12
Duncan McArthor his son 10
Cathrina McArthor his daughter 7
Neill Campbell 50
Marion McKinon his wife 40
Cathrina Campbell his daughter 20
Angus Campbell his son 19
Neill Campbell his son 17
Donald Campbell his son 9
Donald McEdam 30
Margrat McKinnon his wife 27
John McEdam his son 10
Caristina McEdam his daughter 7
Kett McEdam his daughter 4
Rorry McDonald 50
Cathrina McDonald his wife 40
Duncan McDonald his son 23
Marion McDonald his daughter 21
Duncan Kenady 52
Mary Kenady his daughter 22
John McDugall grand childe 7
Kett Ross widow 60
Rorry Kenady 40
Marion Gillice his wife 37
Cathrina Kenady his daughter 13
Donald Kenady his son 11
Allex(ande)r Kenady his son 9
John Kenady his son 7
Marion Kenady his daughter 5
Hough McDugall 27
Effie Campbell his mother 60
John McDugall his brother 12
Lauchlan McKinnon 47
Margrat Kenady his wife 32
Hector McKinnon his son 12
Jannet McKinnon his daughter 10
Neill McKinnon his son 2
Margrat McKinnon servant 21
Angus McDonald 40
Kelly McDonald his daughter 12
Mary McDonald his daughter 9
Isabell McDonald his daughter 7
Donald McDonald his son 3
Duncan McKinnon 20
Charles McKinnon his brother 17
Cathrina McDuphy widow 30
Archibald McArthor 40
Rebeca McKinnon his wife 36
Marion McArthor his daughter 12
Mary McArthor his daughter 9
Allex(ande)r McArthor his son 7
Janet McArthor his daughter 4
Donald Gillice 50
Kett McDonald his wife 60
Anna McEdam servant 12
Donald Kenady Grande childe 13
Neill McQueen 40
Margrat McGuary his wife 37
Allan McQueen his son 13
Anna McQueen his daughter 10
Rachell McQueen his daughter 9
Marion McQueen his daughter 7
John McQueen his son 6
Archibald McQueen his son 5
Donald McQueen his son 3
Caristina McQueen his daughter 2
Donald McQueen his father 79
John McQueen 50
Angus McQueen his father 80
John McQueen his son 7
Donald McQueen his son 6
Mary McQueen his daughter 3
Ann McKinnon widow 52
Mary McKinnon servant 21
John McEdam 56
Mary Gillice his wife 40
John McEdam his son 20
Ann McEdam his daughter 17
Mary McEdam his daughter 13
Gatfery McEdam his son 7
Kett McEdam his daughter 5
Duncan McQueen 37
Cathrina McKinnon his wife 30
Angus McKinnon his son 10
Cathrina McQueen his daughter 9
Mary McQueen his daughter 7
Donald McQueen his son 5
Marion McQueen his daughter 3
the next page begins the protestants of Canna
Donald McLeod 32
John McLeod 40
Mary McLeod 37
Effie McLeod servant 32
John McIntosh 40
Cathrina McLeod 21
John Campbell 21
Keneth McCaskill 34
Rachell McLeod his wife
Funlay McCaskill his son 9
John McCaskill his son 8
Cathrina McLeod married to a papist 32
Mary Munrow servant 40
Cathrina Camron 30
Kett Carn servant 37
Kett McLean married to a papist 27
Norman McLeod 9
Neill McNeill Cathechist 59
Effie Campbell his wife 49
Flory McNeill his daughter 27
Susanna McCallum 9
At Canna 20th March 1765 on this list this day is at an end it's so carefully set down that I went throw every house on the four isles to understand their age properly as to their religion I had a tryall of that before this time there is not one small or great but is set down in this book by
Neill McNeill Catechist