SpanglefishAlec Bennett (Footballer) | sitemap | log in
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Alec Bennett was born on 20th September 1881 at 10.00 am at 2 Lizzieville Place, Rutherglen , the eldest child of Robert Benett (Master Draper) and   Catherine Bryce. (see note below)

The Bennett Family 1893 - Alec is the taller of the two boys at the back

At the age of five he went to Stonelaw School in Rutherglen and left school aged fourteen to take up employment in his father's drapery business. 

Despite his incredibly successful footballing career, he always seemed to have  considered football a 'part time'  occupation, his main employment  always being  stated as in the 'drapery business' . Even at the pinnacle of his career with Rangers  in 1910 his marriage certificate gives his employment as 'Drapery Warehouseman'.

His football career started at school before continuing with Woodburn F.C. (a long since defunct amateur club).

NOTE:  Most current sources give Alec's birthdate as the 20th October 1881 and his place of birth as Glasgow.  Both are incorrect.  Whereas Rutherglen is now part of Glasgow, in 1881 it was a distinct Royal Burgh in its own right.  To view his birth certificate and settle the matter once and for all CLICK HERE


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