"From Sheep to Sugar / O Wlan i Siwgr" - the epic poem
"From Sheep to Sugar / O Wlan i Siwgr" has so far attracted almost 50 active "Community Research Volunteers" about 50 people who are interested and networking with others about the project, as well as over 50 "Advisors" who are happy to add their professional support to help explore this fasicinating project. And as well as that we have about 30 organisations, like the Museum of Wales, The Royal Commission, The Peoples Collection, The Snowdonia Society, Newtown Textile Museum, Barmouth Sailors Institute, Gwyneth Family History Association and others interested to support this research.
We also have a wide range of talents and interests in our Community research Volunteers team, as well as in the Advisory team.
There are many ways to tell a story and we thought we had come up with a unique way and that was to tell the story using an epic poem, so we discussed this with poets and the idea of a poem that passed the wool on through so many hands was created.
Special thanks to Martin Daws for suggesting this "a simple structure: a couplet, each line 10 syllables".
- see "Sheep"
Then just when we thought we were are the first group of people to ever write an epic poem about wool, Peter Alexander discovered John Dyer's 4 volume peom "The Fleece" finished the year before his dealth in 1778.
So, the challenge we are setting ourselves, is to tell the story of Sheep to Sugar bilingually in short verses.
Martin will set out how the challenge will happen and contributions will be welcome, provided you research you section thoroughly and include as many technical words and woolly phrases as possible.
Illustrations are welcome as well.
Other notes: The headings can be changed and added to - and possiby some taken out