SpanglefishWoodlarks workshops | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Come and be part of a performance in the woods
Following our very successful sessions in 2012 (despite the wettest summer on record) we are now planning the very exciting events for this Summer. 

Magical music in the woods…
On Sunday June 16th (early evening) we will be performing a show called “The Way Through the Woods” as a promenade performance at our wonderful venue Spinney Hollow.  The audience will be met at the edge of the woods by the Green Man and conducted on a magical woodland journey during which they’ll hear songs, poems and stories telling about forests and trees in fiction, fact and folklore. Then a chance to linger by the bonfire , enjoying some refreshments in the summer dusk, before taking a lantern led journey back to the everyday world.

How to get involved
You can be part of this in a number of different ways- you can be part of the performance as a singer, or a story/poem reader or teller.  If you are more interested in the woodland craft aspect, you can help us to set up a woodhenge or a song circle, learn how to make willow lanterns, or help in the creation of the new and intriguing Ogham Trail (based on ancient Celtic lore).  You can also of course get involved with some of the other activities such as the exciting charcoal burning process or the ever popular pancake making!  We’ll also need helpers to act as stewards and guides on the day of the performance.

Rehearsals for singers and readers/tellers will be on Saturday May 4th, Sunday May 19th and a dress rehearsal on June 16th.  If you want to take part as a singer, you‘ll need to come to at least one of the rehearsals in May (both if you possibly can), and the dress rehearsal on June 16th, and be prepared to do some homework in between – a CD of all the songs, and a copy of all the readings and poems will be provided.  Readers and tellers need to come to one of the May rehearsals, preferably both, AND the dress rehearsal.

Woodland activities
The woodland activity option is reserved for people who are attending with one or more singers.  If you would like to take part in woodland activities, you don’t need to come to all the sessions, though you can if you’d like to!

You will be needed on the day of performance of course, and there will also be a helpers’ meeting the day before (Sat June 15th).

What does it cost?
Thanks to our generous grant funding the sessions are all free – there will be a small charge for those who come to watch the show.  However, because of the resources involved, singers and readers are asked to pay a £10 (per person) deposit for materials, which will be returned to you on the day of the performance.

How do I sign up?
Just fill in the appropriate form and send it back (with your deposit if appropriate). Go to Booking forms (its on the menu at the side of this page!), and print off a form, then send it to the address shown, with your deposit.

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