SpanglefishWitheridge Incorrigibles and Nomansland Cricket Club | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Membership Fees for the season 2018 are £30 per annum or £2 per game in addition to the club match fee of £7 per game. Membership Fees are mainly used to finance your insurance and therefore you are advised that it is imperative that you pay as soon as possible. Match Fees for junior members in full time secondary education as at 01 April 2018 will be £10 per annum and match fees will be £6 per game.

Membership Forms are avaliable in the clubhouse.

Members will only be added if

a. They have paid their full subscription

b. They play a game

Members for the Season

Captain (1st Team) | Mr Les Rendall
Vice Captain | Mr Selwyn Elston
Treasurer | Mr Chris Cole
President | Mr M Drake
Chairman | Mr Andrew Crossman
Secretary | Mr Nick Jupp
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