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Members Profile

Each Month we will have a different rider profile, If you would like to be included use our contact form and we will let you know how to get your name in lights.

Our next member is Archie Cale

Full name. Archie Cale

Home town. Godshill, Isle of Wight

When did you start riding. 2016

What bike do you ride. Antig 125 Grasstrack Bike

What is your rider number. Rider no 89

What class will your ride in 2018. Juniors

Favourite grass track venue.  Dauntsey, Swindon

Favourite speedway track. Leicester

Worst track. none

Where did you finish in the rankings in 2017. I Finished 18th in ACU rankings

Where would you hope to finish in 2018.  I hope to finish top 10

Have you won any honours.  I qualified for the 2017 British youth championships

Worse moment on track. Worse moment was crashing last year at Chelmsford and ending up in hospital

What has been your best moment so far. Overtaking my sponsor Luke Tuck at training day haha!!

What's your funniest moment. non i can think of

Is there anybody you would like to thank. Vinny Smith for helping me when in hospital, all my Sponsors and mum and dad for there money

My sponsors are Tuck construction, John Carpenter, Taz McDougall, Abs motorsport, Darren wilse Racing, Chesil Radio, Damars Blinds, Weymouth wildcats, Peter Godfrey

Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself. 

I love riding my bike whenever i can, i had a really good first season and am hoping this year will be much better as i have a faster bike and better kit


A huge thank you to Archie for his interview, if you would like to be featured, contact us with your details and we will get you on the next available slot.


Below are a few members who will shortly be having there profile published.

   Archie Cale

   Aidan & Charlotte Arthur

   Vinny Smith

  Sam Peters


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