Hello, I hope you're ok. I have enrolled for the Monet lecture on the 18th April but my wife is away that weekend and I have to look after my 8 year old daughter. My daughter is well behaved and sure would not cause any problems during the lecture if you allowed her to attend. I'm happy to pay the £5 for her but could you let me know how you feel about this please?
Hello Brian, Thank you for your enquiry. We [Louth Branch] are waiting for advice. It seems that there are age restrictions on the actual courses but we don't yet know if it applies to Saturday talks. I do hope this will be happily resolved and will be in touch again as soon as possible
Posted by Susan on 29 January 2020
I am afraid that our local branch has still had no further response to our request for advice.
Posted by S on 06 February 2020
Hello Brian, We have had a reply from Donna Sharkey and hope to welcome you and your daughter to the talk. " There is no definitive policy on this so I am comfortable with the child being there as long as the parent agrees to full responsibility and understands that she would not be insured should anything happen. It might also be advised to mention that if she became noisy or disruptive the parent would need to take her out so as not to disrupt other participants. I don’t think it is appropriate to charge for the child but it is up to you if you ask for a donation to the branch for her attendance. "
Hi Louth WEA, I wanted to thank the team for hosting yesterdays lecture by Simon Tomson. The room was spotless (well done to the cleaners). Thanks to the kitchen team and "front of house". A lovely afternoon made special by the fantastic volunteers.