Get your free website from Spanglefish
This is a free Spanglefish 2 website.


Ideal if you just want someone to send out newsletters for you monthly, and do the odd facebook update for you.  

£150 setup. This gives the work we do together a boost, and I dedicate time to setting up or reviewing your current marketing e.g. facebook pages, newsletter templates, twitter accounts, current websites etc. and we devise a plan for the next 3 months.

£45 per month gives you 1 hour of support split throughout the month.  


For more hands on help from me, regular newsletters, updates, keeping on top of incoming enquiries etc.

£175 setup. This gives the work we do together a boost, and I dedicate time to setting up or reviewing your current marketing e.g. facebook pages, newsletter templates, twitter accounts, current websites etc. and we devise a plan for the next 3 months.

£135 per month gives you 3 hours of support.

Walk the Talk

This is very individual to each person as it essentially teaches you how to do your own marketing, based on what it is you need to do.  

I offer consultancy and help by providing confidence building mentoring using various techniques to help you feel confident to manage your own online presence or indeed standing up to talk at a show.  A nominal setup fee of £135 applies so I ensure I understand you and your business, what you're doing now, and advise on what you can be doing. We then we agree the number of hours you want each month. 

The rate is £45 per hour for this, and the number of hours are flexible depending on your requirements. 


When you want me to manage ALL aspects of marketing for you. 

£250 setup. This gives the work we do together a boost, and I dedicate time to setting up or reviewing your current marketing e.g. facebook pages, newsletter templates, twitter accounts, current websites etc. and we devise a plan for the next 3 months.

£675 per month gives you 15 hours of support.  


For the basic, gold and platinum packages any unused hours are carried forward and valid for 3 months. If you need more hours you can purchase them. There is no VAT on top of this. 

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