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Summer days in the Vale of Neath

This popular racecourse in the vale of Neath is calling home the horses after a gap of nearly 50 years and on May day in 1999 more than 4.000 attended the races.

A superb day out during the summer months is enjoyed by all ages at the Vale of Neath 'point to point' races at Pentreclwydau in the vale of Neath on May Day Monday surrounded by fantastic surroundings with  easy access via the A465  onto Rheola then onto to a small village Pentreclwydau where the races are held, these are also televised by S4C. Here you can see some of the spectators arriving to the races in style on the Yellow Coach pulled by the four black stallions - indeed a fabulous sight to behold and a day out not to be missed.

Mike Davies

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