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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 07/06/2011.

Welcome to Top Left Corner      What's new?

Top Left Corner brings people together in Assynt to create written and other artworks. Our creative retreats provide opportunities for people to have new and inspiring experiences in Assynt and we organise workshops, arts activities and other events to celebrate the creativity of individuals, community and nature.

Norman MacCaig wrote much of his best poetry about Assynt. To celebrate the centenary of his birth we organised  a week of celebratory events from 5-13 November. Thanks to all who took part, particularly the local children who wrote poems, the artists who put work into the tribute exhibtion and all those who entered the Norman MacCaig poetry competition,

From time to time we offer some places on retreats at special offer prices.

We are looking for writers and other artists who need a space for artistic expression. We are experienced facilitators and passionate about nurturing creativity. We will provide opportunities for you to connect with this unique community and landscape and we will devise innovative ways to connect a wider audience with the results of your creative work. Contact us.

Assynt is an endless source of inspiration for arts of all media. See our gallery for a taste.

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