SpanglefishThe Electric Blowhole | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

The Electric Blowhole is a night for likeminded heathens..

With bands, DJ's, experimental sessions, live art, slideshows, films, poetry and performance art, we are a Hastings Happening........

We run every few months in the Pig in Paradise, on the seafront, in Hastings. Check out "The Next One" page on the left for the next date and line-up.

We are always looking for new people to play with, so if you are in a band, are an artist, have a performance piece or an idea, get in touch.

You can email us (Go on, ask us something) or leave a comment here, (Leave a message after the tone.)
Please attach links to your work so we can sniff you over....

Or join our Facebook on the pic.

M, R and C. xx

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