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Marketing & Training


Destination Marketing and Management Plan

This project provided a cohesive and comprehensive approach to marketing the assets of the Dalriada area and encouraging more people to visit the area. 

A marketing plan was prepared that brought together all the local stakeholders and provided a lasting legacy beyond the life of the Dalriada Project. 

Heritage training for a range of tourism operators and businesses to improve and communicate knowledge of the local heritage was also carried out.

destination marketing workshop


The Dalriada Project focused its activity in delivering specific benefits associated with each of its 10 interrelated projects.  Much was achieved in relation to enhancing the natural and cultural heritage of the area.  There was a need to ensure that the outstanding heritage assets of the area are widely celebrated and promoted as a reason to visit the area.  The Dalriada Heritage Access and Interpretation Network (funded through LEADER) was implemented.  It continues to provide high quality visitor infrastructure and contribute to a much enhanced visitor experience.  This continues to be promoted by the Dalriada Project and its partners including the Heart of Argyll Tourism Alliance (HoATA), ensuring that the benefits are fully realised.

The Dalriada Project Board undertook a strategic review of the Project’s activities in April 2009 and concluded that at this stage in the project resources needed to be diverted into marketing and promotion of the heritage assets of the area. It is important to the Project’s objectives that as many people as possible have the opportunity to experience and enjoy this outstanding landscape.  Approval to proceed with developing the marketing plan was granted by the Heritage Lottery Fund in July 2009.

A number of local organisations and businesses were already undertaking marketing and promotion activities that benefit the area, and our approach has always been to integrate with these activities, and bring the area’s heritage assets to the fore.  An integrated marketing plan and a delivery mechanism in the form of HoATA was developed which provides a far reaching legacy beyond that of the Dalriada Project.

Project Outcomes

Marketing plan completed and early actions developed.

Heritage training provided for local businesses.

Heart of Argyll Tourism Alliance formed and launched.

Project Partners

Lead Partner: Dalriada Project staff.

Partners: Visit Scotland, Mid Argyll Chamber of Commerce, LEADER, Argyll College, Argyll and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Natural Heritage, Forestry Commission Scotland.

Project Activity

Heart of Argyll Tourism Alliance formed in August 2010.

Go to Alliance Website 


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