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Youth Highland competitons finals..
24 March 2009

On Saturday the 14th March 3 memmbers of our club attended the Finals of the youth highland youth Competitions.

the 3 boys who travelled were Jonathon Macdonald, Daniel Bostock & Andrew henderson who were accompanied by Youth Leader Gary Macleod. we met up with the Durness youth Club in Lairg and travelled the rest of the journey to Inverness with them.

The boys all Came back with Trophies or medals.


Jonathon won his class at Darts

Daniel came second in his class for table tennis

Andrew won his class of Badminton.

After the competitions were over the boys had the choice to do an hours shopping or accompany Gary , who through Hugh Morisson in Durness had tickets to the Inverness Caley  Vs kilmarnock game.


Jonathon decided to go shopping with the durness youth club while Daniel and Andrew enjoyed they're afternonn at Caley where they saw the home team win 2-1.


after the game the boys were treated to they're dinner at Brewers fayre before the journey home North


A great day was had by all



18 December 2008

Our first meeting of 2009 will be on the second wednesday of January

Merry Christmas..
18 December 2008

We had our last meeting of 2008 on wednesday night-17th December, where a good attendance helped decorate the hall for the forthcoming childrens christmas party.

On behalf of the leaders Stuart and Gary we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy,Healthy New Year and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2009

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