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26/11/2011: I've just added a page that covers a wonderful restoration from an old cinema to a gloriuos new music venue for the city of Madrid. Check out the 'Magnificence In Madrid' page on the side-menu.

24/11/2011: Did you enjoy a KiaOra or maybe a Lyons Maid Orange Maid when the usherette used to come and stand under the screen? Did the smell of Westler's Hot Dogs or Butterkist popcorn make you run to the concession shop? Enjoy these old ads from the 70's!  

22/11/2011: Three new pages giving examples of how the Academy Music Group has purchased and renovated buildings like the Albert Hall and brought them back to life, as major concert venues! Could this be our answer? Let me know what you think!

21/11/2011: The Golden Age Of Cinema-Going. Great article from The Independent newspaper. 

10/11/2011: The 'Lost Treasures Of Swansea' page

Hi there and a very big welcome!

I really hope you enjoy or enjoyed what you see on these pages. 

The Albert Hall has always held a specail place in my heart. Way back in my childhood I remember so many visits there to see the latest Disney movies and many other big movies of the time. My first movie there was 'Mary Poppins' in 1968. Queuing with my brother for nearly five hours to see 'Jaws' in 1975 was another special memory, especially as the place was full to bursting.         

Little did I know back then that this magical place would show its last movie within a decade!

I remember from all that time ago being totally in awe of the size and beauty of the auditorium-so much so that as I became a teenager I would actually go to the Albert Hall on many occasions, not to actually see whatever was showing that week, but just to look around the place, it held so much beauty, even in the dark!

Swansea was lucky in a way, that Rank and Mecca looked after the building to a very high standard through its following 30 years as a bingo hall. 

It's only in the last 5 years that the place has come into a worrying state of disrepair that is threatening all that history.

This site and this camapign are still in the very, very early days so please feel free to offer suggestions, comments etc.  And any corrections too! They will be most welcome!

If you have any stories, articles, programmes, photographs or links that you think would enhance the site in any way, no matter how small or undetailed, then please do drop me a line, leave them on this page or you can contact me privately at:


Lastly, dont forget to keep popping back to see what additions are made as the site is updated on an almost daily basis.

Lets hope we can get the Albert Hall back for Swansea and South West Wales in the very near future.

Many thanks for everyone's great support so far and hopefully into the future too. 

PLEASE leave a brief message as you pass by or better still, share a memory with us!        

Ian Howells


As it takes a lot of money to set up a fully professional website, I have decided to start with this free-to-set-up site, so I apologize in advance as it can be a bit erratic with the text and especially the appearance of the photos... please bear with me and as soon as we get some financial backing, we'll go pro!

Top Rank Memories
I worked for the Rank organization in the early 80s and have fab memories of a wonderful building. It's many rooms and vast spaces inside are so interesting to see. If we loose this amazing landmark we will never see the likes of it again. The atmosphere in this building can range from electric to eerie but all adds to the character. We had many show nights there and the building used to shine. Rank looked after the building with love and care just like there staff.
Posted by Julia Evans on 27 March 2013
Morecambe and Wise
Maybe its worth mentioning that The Albert Hall was the place that Morecambe & Wise decided that they would team up and form a double act! If it wasn't for The Albert Hall then this country may have never have known the greatest ever comedy duo!
Posted by Richard Loosmore on 07 March 2012
“Well its always the same pull it down pull it down why not make it into a picture hall the silent moves are back just won all the awards in USA and while you are at it put the Mumbles rail back on and get more people to come from all over the word to see. Also the bridge you can repair the Castle and the Cross Keys and the Palace and the Grand that all i have to say”
Posted by Netcomm, Evening Post mail bag. on 05 March 2012
“I'm not saying tax payers to pay for it but the council are always taking people to task if their buildings are not up to standard. If you look at the outside of the building its falling to pieces. Surely somewhere in council law the landlord has to make sure he/she keeps the building up to a decent standard. That's not rocket science.”
Posted by Muld. Evening Post mall bag on 05 March 2012
“Great job ,but do not let the Council get any where near this ,remember JT's ,the Slip Bridge,Swiss cottage..etc etc ..WASTED opportunities,NO Summer shows,NO Bike races and plenty of Ombudsman investigations.artists impressions and the tons of the Council's downright duplicity and decay..Keep Going !”
Posted by Oarswoman. Evening Post mailbag on 05 March 2012
No Title
Posted on 29 February 2012
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Posted on 29 February 2012
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Posted on 28 February 2012
My Memories
Posted on 28 February 2012
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Posted on 24 February 2012
Our Rightful Heritage
Posted on 24 February 2012
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Posted on 22 February 2012
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Posted on 22 February 2012
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Posted on 22 February 2012
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Posted on 22 February 2012
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Posted on 22 February 2012
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Posted on 23 January 2012
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Posted on 23 January 2012
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Posted on 23 January 2012
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Posted on 23 January 2012
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Posted on 07 January 2012
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Posted on 07 January 2012
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Posted on 07 January 2012
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Posted on 07 January 2012
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Posted on 07 January 2012
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Posted on 27 December 2011
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Posted on 27 December 2011
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Posted on 27 December 2011
Wake Up Swansea!
Posted on 27 December 2011
Albert Hall
Posted on 19 December 2011
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