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We would be delighted to hear from anyone, near or far, who is interested in the church.

Your beautiful church

My name is Linda, I live in the United States.

Quite some time ago, I was learning about computer graphics and I worked on a project where I created a virtual model of a castle, inside the computer; for inspiration, I used pictures of Eilean Donan Castle. Today, many years later, through the magic of Google Earth, on a lark, I explored the castle area virtually. In that process, I wandered down the road, and it lead to your beautiful church. There were a few snapshots along the way of the people there, a young man with his dog talking to an elderly gentleman, another man leisurely riding on a lawnmower. From here in the insanity of California, USA. It all looked so peaceful and so much like what God is aiming for. I just had to tell you, even from here on the other side of the planet, your church brought me peace.

Posted by Linda Bryant on 03 February 2013
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