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02 November 20235th November

The updated Church electoral roll will be available to check after the service.


There is a Session Meeting tomorrow (6th) at 2pm in St. Bride's


Next week there is a Remembrance service at Laggan monument at 9am, followed by a service in the church at 9.30am.  In Newtonmore the service is at 11.30am , with the Remembrance service at 12.30pm. 

Details of all the other services are on the poster in the church.


Please note the new church website is kingussielaggannewtonmorechurch.com  and is now in use.

The old one www.stbrides-newtonmore.org.uk  will no longer be updated

20 October 2023Sunday 22nd October

The retiral offering today is for Christians Against Poverty.

Next  week Sunday 29th there is a joint service in Kingussie at 10.30am, with the service being taken by the Rev. Mike Mair A reminder to elders there will be a Session meeting in St. Bride's at 12 noon to finalise details for the church electoral roll.

Church rolls for Laggan and Newtonmore and Kingussie are available for a final look through after the service today.

In 2 weeks time, November 5th there are services in all 3 churches at their usual time.

There will be a Session meeting for Laggan and Newtonmore in St. Bride’s at 2pm Monday Nov 6th.


Blythswood boxes are being collected and have to ready by 31st Oct.

Film afternoons and evenings are starting again in Laggan church, with the Greatest Showman on Wed 1st Nov at 2pm. Please see the posters for further details.


The latest Christian Engineers in Development Newsletter is available to read.



13 October 2023Sun 15th October

Next week Sunday 22nd there is a joint communion service in Laggan church at 10.30am. The retiral offering is for Christians against Poverty.


The following week, Sunday 29th there is a joint service in Kingussie at 10.30am. A reminder to elders there will be a Session meeting in St. Bride's at 12 noon to finalise details for the church electoral roll.


Blythswood boxes are being collected and have to ready by 31st Oct.


Film afternoons and evenings are starting again in Laggan, with the Greatest Showman on Wed 1st Nov at 2pm. Please see the posters for further details.


The church electoral roll will be available to view after the services today and also at Laggan on 22nd October after the joint Communion. Please check to see your name is on this , in order to be included in the process of calling a new minister.

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