Pay as you go prices
Pay as you go;
1 hour £42,
1.5 hours £63,
2 hours £84
Block Bookings:
10 hours for £410
(to be taken as 1.5 or 2 hour sessions )
Terms and conditions.
1. Please give 24 hours notice of cancellation, or rearrangements. If less than 24 hours notice is given then lesson must be paid, before the next can be booked.
2.Exception will be given if corona virus symptoms start, minimum for 10 days before the next lesson can be booked and copy of pcr / lateral flow test email forwarded to the driving school needed.
3.Masks can be worn but no longer nessesary unless requested in the car, unless exempt.
4.Before leaving your home or place of collection please wash hands for 30 seconds. (if not able to hand sanitiser will be available in the car or on request before entering)
5.No drinking of alcohol 24 hours before a lesson.
6.Payment for lessons must be made before the lesson commences. If cash, I would ask to place in an envelope with your name and date of lesson as cash must be quarantined for 72 hours. If bank transfer, this must be done the day before. For bank details please text or WhatsApp me for details.
7.If for whatever reason I am late I will try to make contact before however in some cases this may not possible, please allow 15 minutes.
8. Basic Eye test will be done on the first lesson, it is your responsibility there after to make sure you are able to see the appropriate distance there on.
9. Provisional licence is required and seen on the first lesson, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are legal to be on the road. Please ask if unsure.
Bulk Buys must be taken as stated above, any refund requests of bulk buys are at the discretion of the instructor. Where refund is possible the number of hours take will be charged at £40 per hour.
-Gift vouchers - have an expiry of 6 months from date of purchase
-The Instructor has the right to refuse the use of the car for test, if it is found that there is a danger posed to the public in going out on test.
-The car is not for rent/lease