SpanglefishSarah Burch | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

If you would like to leave a comment or your email, I can keep you updated on shows.

Awesome work Lady...... Keep it up ;)
Posted by Mr Bill on 24 September 2009
Keep on working!!
I love your art don't give it up just because you married me In fact that should empower you to do more now that you have new emotions to work on!!! get the brushes out every time you feel down make your husband proud (not that i'm not already proud of you!!!)I love you!! your soldier in Iraq!!
Posted by your Husband on 15 February 2009
check out my page

I got a page too.
I want you to see. I need to put more work into but let me nkow how you like it.
Posted by Patricia on 07 March 2008
nice to see you again
hi this is me patricia from glass how are you?
Posted by patricia santana on 11 October 2007
Hey, Sorry I rarely check my page out. I have been doing good. Getting married in august, but still doing art which i need to post up on here. I cant find ur page so give me the address. I also want to know about u and ur man.
Posted by sarah on 23 April 2008
I love the paintings you put up here sarah!!! especially the large one, "the grip." it's absolutely beautiful.... I miss you dollface! Ill see you hopefully when Im back for the holidays, for a couple of days!


Posted by tracie on 06 December 2006
Thanks hun... I'm putting up more once I have the pics. call or message me when your in town.
Posted by sarah on 08 December 2006
No Title
Posted on 06 December 2006
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