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Thank You
Thank you to you all for the hard work put into running the English National Trial at Castle Howard. Linda and I both had a great weekend and really appreciated being able to remember Dad in being there with you all.
Good luck to Ryedale Sheep dog Society and all its Members.
Yours Gena and Linda
Posted by Gena Douglas on 08 August 2016
Thank you Gena and Linda, a lovely thought and see you at the dinner!
Posted by Jackie Goulder on 08 August 2016
Hi Jackie, Following our conversation last week.John Atkinson assures me Roger had no intention of running for Ryedale and John fully intented to run himself before his leg became too bad. Cheers.
Posted by Tony Bell on 25 February 2016
Thanks for this, Tony.
Posted by J Goulder on 09 March 2016
Management Meeting Feb 2016
Management Meeting 13-2-16

1.Roger Jewitt running J Atkinson’s dog Nell in the Nursery Final
There are no precedents for this situation, the Nursery Finals are only in their second year.
Roger has run Nell less than 5 times at Ryedale nurseries. Feelings are that it is not acceptable to run Nell in the N Finals
Nell is eligible and has been entered with J Atkinson as her handler.

2. Roger Jewitt running as a member of Ryedale at the interclub with Northern. It is understood that Roger is a Northern committee member, and is running for Northern.
There is some guidance in our rules for this situation; a team member must have run the entered dog at a Ryedale Nursery trial 5 times.
There is some historical information regarding a Ryedale member running for another side; a reserve for Ryedale stepped in to fill a spot for one of the other teams. He did not actually run for both; feelings are that it is only possible to run for one side.
The team for the interclub is decided the trial before the set date.

5-3-16 AM Nursery Judge J Rangely
P M Champs Judges E Gautier with S Beaton
12.3.16 Pie and Pea
13-3-16 Interclub
19-3-16 Open, Nova Lane Judge C Cutler
20-3-16 Open Nova lane Judge J B Murdoch
Posted by jackie Goulder on 19 February 2016
Hi Jackie,
Correct me if im Wrong but I thought rules could only be made or changed at an AGM when all members could have their say.I do not recall a rule where where a member could not run for d
different society be it interclub or not.
I remember where at a three way interclub
Windermere were a man short and Mr Sydney Kealey a staunch Ryedale member
who was I believe reserve for Ryedale ran for them and nothing being said then or after.Ryedale does not seem to encourage good dogs or handlers is this jealosy or an obsession to win at all costs.I do not disagree wih this rule but let us a bit more democracy and decisions not being made by a small minority.
Posted by Tony Bell on 17 February 2016
Thank you, Tony, for your feed back received today.
Posted by Jackie Goulder on 17 February 2016
Hello Jackie,

Well, I turned up for my first nursery trial on Saturday at Fridlington Farms in about 3 years, and it was a great couple of hours.

It was good to talk to yourself, and other people who were going to run their dogs,

Even being a novice at understanding the commands etc, its coming? I could see the sheep were LIVELY and would present a problem on the day.

I hope to see you all in the not so distant fuure at another of the Trials listed.



Posted by Wayne Coaker on 09 December 2013
Well it was a good trial to watch, and run at...Plenty going on! Not easy to judge I expect, though! Come again! We are there next week too!
Posted by Jackie Goulder on 09 December 2013
Newcomer made welcome.
Posted on 26 October 2013
P Broughton
Posted on 03 August 2013
interesting day
Posted on 14 January 2012
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