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 SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE - All Link references to individual sketches have stopped working because Photobucket updates have messed them up. Just go to https://app.photobucket.com/u/Gyratory1 and find the sketches by clicking on the image in the bucket or on the A3 album. You can download the image by clicking on the download tray symbol (on the top left corner), then open the downloaded file in Window's Paintbrush and zoom in as required.




(Last edited on 03 March 2020 --- New sketches show a wider bridge and relocated steps down to the tow path. This sketch shows a possible deck and brick slip cladding to match the adjacent buildings  



(Note: 5 December 2019 -- Sketches have been added showing bus station in Bedford Road car park site and access from Bedford Road and a new Walnut Road bridge for buses to the south and the west exiting to Walnut Tree Close)


(Note: 6 December 2018  --- A sketch has been added showing a possible route of the east-west crossing a little further north. This goes over the current Jewson's Yard and sweeps down south to meet up with Leas Road. It goes round the blocked space due to Solum's development of the railway station site.)

(Note: 20/11/2018 -- Two sketches have been aded showing possible layout of the A3 widening and alternative to the A31 northbound merge that saves both bridges over the A3 and allow works with absolute minimum disruption to traffic flow during construction.)

(Note: 05/09/2018 -- A sketch has been added showing Bridge Street reduced to two lanes and the north footway widened plus a cycle lane. The signals at the Onslow Street crossings would run in tandem.  The gyratory is improved as shown in 'Short term improvements' a little later in the list of sketches.)

(Note:  31 May 2017 -- A sketch has been added that shows a round about at the junction of Friary Bridge and Park Street. This is an option to allow traffic coming out of the railway station and wanting to go to Farnham Road. To improve flow even further, traffic from Guildford Park Road is made to turn left only on to Farnham Road Bridge. This traffic also uses this round about to go west on Farnham Road. Bridge Street is made two-way and together with Onslow Street both are to be restricted to emergency vehicles, buses, taxis and cycles. Friary Bridge is closed to vehicular traffic. Thus achieving a pedestrian friendly town centre.)

(Note: 20/05/2017 --Two sketches have been added that show the possible replacement of Farnham Road Bridge widened to three lanes including cycle lanes and modifying existing supports.)

(Note: 08/10/2016 -- A sketch has been added to show the alteration to the gyratory in the shorter term to reduce congestion and make Bridge Street two lanes only and north footway wider for a safer pedestrian route.)

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To see a slide double click on the small icon of the one you wish to view. You will see it enlarged.  Media info now is below the sketch (edited 2 May 2013)



(Note: 30 Aug 2016 - Three sketches have been added showing a tunnel like structure for the A281 to make town centre pedestrian friendly)

Further sketches have been added, until the 30 August 2014, since the additions of Nov 2013 of four sketches showing a possible north south tunnel under Guildford town and associated improvements to the A3 Stoke Road junction. Previously added sketches were: staggered Millbrook pedestrian crossing and suggested enhanced bus stops at the Friary Extension and my proposal for Mary Road car park site as the relocated Bus Station. Incoming and outgoing bus routes are also shown with buses connecting the Railway Station and key bus stops in the Town Centre. This is a better alternative to Bedford Road car park site currently proposed by the Guildford Borough Council who until now had preferred not to use riverside sites for a Bus Station.

The above link also shows the initial sketches and some recent updates(Aug/Sept/Oct 2011) of the suggested improvements. Other modifications carried out earlier are shown in the link below:-


This link below shows some earlier updates and modifications




The following link is for the option if no new subway opposite the Electric Theatre  is constructed and existng pedestrian crossings are maintained albeit modified  to incorporate a cycle crossing. The crossing lights would no longer be on demand and would become traffic lights. See slide No.9 (not frame No. 9) in the link below:-




The link below shows the proposed railway bridge some 100 metres north of Guildford Station building





The following links are for the proposed improvements to the A3 through Guildford. New sketches added (6 April 2012) showing a viaduct to the northbound A3 and a short tunnel from Brights Hill to Shalford Road to take through traffic out of the part of the gyratory.


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