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Welcome to the Sussex Pastfinders Website. 

The Sussex Pastfinders are a small group consisting of an IFA field archaeologist complimented by a small number of amateur historians who through a variety of local history based projects aim at adding to the historical and archaeological record of Sussex. 

Our Group use archive research, metal detecting and field walking to achieve this aim.  All eligable finds are recorded using the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) and we produce a written report for all our significant projects.

In the 10 years since our Group was founded we have completed a number of Sussex based projects, with several investigations still underway on a rolling basis.  Our projects range from historic homesteads to large tracts of farmland.  We also support local Archaeological evaluations, Museums and where possible charities.

These include research of the land prior to development for the St Barnabas Hospice in Worthing. The Lewes battle field community archaeological project as well as recent investigations to locate the true site of the Battle of Hastings. We have worked overseas on a significant project in Italy's Latina region at Gabii. 

Discretion is assured at all times.

To find out more about our activities click on the page titles to the left.

If you would like to contact us for whatever purpose please use the Feedback page to email us.  If you would simply like to comment then please use the Guestbook page.


Sussex Pastfinders - Evaluating the past, to gain knowledge today, for the benefit of our future generations

Site Last Updated - 22/12/2022 18:18:13
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