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Orkney Darts Association

The Orkney Darts Association was formed on Thursday 24th September 2009. Checkout the NEWS page to see whats new.

The foundations of the Orkney Darts Association were laid down in the Autumn of 2007 when a Singles League was set up in Kirkwall for members of both the men's and Ladies Kirkwall and District Darts Leagues. The inaugural Kirkwall Darts Singles League was run from November 2007 through to the end of April 2008 and was hailed a great success by the 27 players that played in it.

At the end of the summer in 2008 a pre-season meeting was held in the Legion to gather the thoughts of the players and see how we could develop the Singles League. It was agreed by all present to keep the League format the same but to open the League up to make it possible for anyone to enter. Over the winter months the popularity of the League increased with a total of 38 players taking part from October 2008 until the end of April 2009.  

In the 2008-09 season competitors from Firth, Holm, Kirkwall, St.Ola, Sandwick, South Ronaldsay, Stenness, Stromness and Toab all took part and it was evident that the League was made up of much more than Kirkwall players, so with that in mind the Orkney Darts Association was set up at the pre-season meeting on the 24th September 2009 and the Kirkwall Darts Singles League changed it's name to the Orkney Darts Association (ODA) Singles League.

Following on from the above meeting another open meeting was organised for the 3rd October 2009 to discuss the possibility of starting an Orkney Parish Cup that would be open to any parish to enter. Parishes were invited to enter by Thursday 29th October and by the 6pm deadline thirteen parishes from all over Orkney had entered the inaugural Parish Cup.

Holm, St.Andrews and Deerness from the East Mainland, Sandwick, Birsay, Stenness and Firth from the West Mainland, Shapinsay, Westray, Sanday and Eday from the North Isles, Burray represented the South Isles and St.Ola made up the draw and on Sunday 28th March 2010 Sandwick defeated Holm in the Commodore to become the first ever Orkney Darts Association Parish Cup Champions.

The objective of the Orkney Darts Association is to help improve the overall standard of darts being played in Orkney, and through the Singles League and Parish Cup provide a platform that will attract more players to play the game of darts in Orkney.



Page Last Updated - 12/09/2011
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