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arctic research
i immediately thought that this would be of great interest to me . I have ben to svalbardtwice and have been to the scientists village Ny Alesund . the whole of the arctic area and life there is of interest to me . but then I found that unlike some other parts of the country this probus branch is restricted to gentlemen . !
shame on you .
how backward in modern life, and in this case so disappointing .
Posted by june whitehouse on 07 November 2022
Good morning June

Thank you very much for your email and I appreciate your comments regarding single gender membership. This is something which we have debated several times in our meetings and each time we have found that the additional new members we might gain by becoming a mixed gender group are countered by the number of members who would feel they are unable to continue.

Other single gender organisations exist, and one thinks particularly of the Women's Institute, and these are often cited in favour of remaining single gender.

However, thank you for your comments and no doubt it will spark yet another discussion of this subject,


Andrew Rowe
Asst Secretary, Northwich Probus
Posted by Andrew Rowe on 07 November 2022
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