Neath has 62 listed buildings
Mike Davies makes a compliation video for world wide viewing
Jason Reynolds looks at a copy of the beautiful stained glass window he saved from the Empire Neath - now awaiting for a museum in Neath
A YouTube video showing what can be done with Lottery funding

The remains of Neath Castle - details of the castle are included in the History of Neath - see item in menu.
more photographs of buildings and other cherished treasures in market town of NEATH - a town that dates back to Roman times.
Neath Old Town Hall (built 1820) - photograph taken from the grounds of St.Thomas' Church - pictured below.
Another photograph of the church appears below:-
From the grounds of this lovely church it is just s short walk to the Gwyn Hall (built 1887) pictured below before the 2007 fire
The statute of Howell Gwyn (1806-1888), was originally outside the building as in the photo below. It is now positioned a short distance away in Victoria Gardens, facing the building named after him.
View of Victoria Gardens - as seen around 1960. The gardens were created in 1897 for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.
From Victoria Gardens we see the view of St.Davids Church built in 1866. Note the statute of Howell Gwyn near to the entrance of the gardens.
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