SpanglefishNBL Results | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.

Northern Bowling League

League Results

Welcome to the website set up to inform members of the Northern Bowling League of the results of league matches as soon as they are available and does not depend on print space on the Ross-shire Journal for publication.

Where e-mail  addresses are available for contact with League Clubs a copy will be sent to the address with, hopefully, all of the results for the week and league positions at the week-end following the matches.  If you should wish to contact me by e-mail the address is as follows:-

  Please forward correctly filled scorecards (full names please, not just first names) as soon as possible after the match to :-

                                                  Bill Gilmour

                                                  13 Fraser Road


                                                  IV18 0NT


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