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Update: 2nd Jan 2025


Welcome to the

moto guzzi - highland


What does mg-h do?

purpose: mg-h was born out of an idea that considerable resources , i.e., time and fuel, were spent attending events in the south. Whilst it is understood that our friends in the northern and western isles probably think the same with mg-h's notional base being Dingwall, hopefully it goes some way towards meeting their needs too. Postcode areas served by mg-h are generally those of: ZE, KW, HS, IV, AB, PH, DD*, FK* and PA* (* indicates part of).

history: mg-h has stuttered on for about a decade and now, after gaining some experience, organises events for a number of guzzisti. It also includes friends from the central belt of Scotland, the Pennines, and from even further afield, last year for instance, members of the Essex Group and a member from N Ireland visited.

events: during the season usually include run outs, lunch meetings, camping weekends, promoting and assisting guzzi owners generally, and hosting a bi-ennial rally; the alt-Raduno. The next alt-Raduno will take place in 2025.

general: Although mg-h has a bank account it's used to manage money flow for events which involve fairly high outlay, such as the alt-Raduno. Most of the time only petty cash is held in the account. The "books" are open to inspection by any bono fide enquirer on request.

contact: mg-h is pretty much a one man band and the co-ordinator has other things to do so please use all the internet resources to find answers >before< making contacting. Normal hours are usually fine, if on the day of an event however a text is best. Emails can be sent using this link email.

plea's: Due to the nature of the beast please note the following:

- last minute "can I come requests" will probably be met with the standard robust rebuff. Events are planned, cafes booked ahead, in some cases confirmed days ahead if large numbers / small venues are concerned. It may seem harsh but changes mean time and money wasted on communications, effort and in some cases food.

- a rapport has been built up with vendors and if this damaged due to any form of inconsiderate or wilful behaviour then there will be consequences

- if you are intending going to an event but have to pull out let the co-ordinator know as soon as possible please.

This website.

Whilst many folks use social media many do not, so this website is planned on being the central repository of all event information, which in turn, mg-h social media will link to. That's the concept - it's time consuming to keep all web areas up to date so there may be upfvks and the process is still underway at time of update.

This website system is instantly recognisable as "elderly", full of spurious advertisments, and pretty clunky to maintain. Most import of all though is it's free. Invites to upgrade or remove ads all involve costs which mg-h has no funds to cover however options are being explored to migrate hosting - with all the upheaval that involves.

Any, and all, suggestions for mg-h are gratefully received via the guestbook or by email.

The latest newsletter, Winter 2024/5, has been uploaded to the documents area.



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