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Strangeface Mask Theatre Company– The Last Resort – 14 November 2008
This darkly comic folk tale told with masks, puppets and live music had the audience in Plockton Hall transfixed. Adults and children alike were engrossed in the tale as it unfolded to its spectacular finale. It was the story of a mysterious soldier thief who appeared in a village with an astonishing fortune on his back and a disgruntled devil at his side. Greed, ambition and ultimately redemption were played out through a riveting storyline and four cast members effortlessly played a range of characters, donning masks and costumes to take on different persona. The eclectic mix of live music ranged from folk with an east European flavour to classical and strange, evocative sound effects. Mask maker and actor, Russell Dean founded Strangeface with Bethan Tomlinson in 2001 and he’s also worked extensively with the acclaimed Trestle Theatre Company. After the show everyone got the chance to meet the actors, look behind the scenes and try on masks. A truly memorable evening and one which we hope will be repeated with a return visit from Strangeface to Lochalsh in 2009.
Posted by Jennifer on 28 November 2008
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