Living Educational Theory research making a difference in communities and organisations
Theme - What individuals, alone and in cooperation, can do to make a difference in communities and organisations.
27 June 2020 12:00-15:00 (UTC+1)
The sessions in the main conference room were recorded, which you can access from the links in the programme below. You can also 'meet' participants by visiting their living-posters.
Conference Programme
- Welcome to the conference: Rachael Burgess (UK) on behalf of the organisers.
- Introduction and launch to the conference: Jack Whitehead (UK).
- Keynote speakers introduced their research into how Living Educational Theory research has enabled them to make a difference in a community with values of human flourishing.:
- Participants were sent to small facilated groups in breakout rooms for discussion to help individuals to strengthen their research plans. In the research conversations they each had the opportunity to introduce their research focused by the question:
'How do I (individually and in cooperation) enhance the difference Living Educational Theory research makes to extending human flourishing in communities and/or organisations?
- On returning to the main conference room the small group facilitators gave a brief summary of what had emerged in their group's research conversations.
- The conference was brought to a conclusion by Jack Whitehead.