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Welcome to Loved into Learning


The moment we choose to love, we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love, we begin to move toward freedom, to act in ways to begin to liberate ourselves and others.      ~bell hooks



I choose love for liberation.


I have witnessed the transformative power of values-based, self-study, action research, also known as Living Theory, to provide a way forward that will help to revolutionize our current understanding of what counts as learning and education. I am honoured to work with others who are committed to collaborative, creative, critical change that provides an opportunity for the flourishing of humanity.

If we want to challenge status-quo thinking, we need to change how we educate our children. Subjecting them to competitive environments and authoritarian rule for twelve of their most formative years is not the way to cultivate democratic behaviours and habits. Education founded on love for everyone and everything will change our culture and create an environment where everyone and everything can flourish. Let's get started.

My definition of love:

Love is the willingness to embrace and act on the idea that everyone and everything is interconnected.

What is your definition of love?

My core values:

love, hope, and joy

What are your core values?

Link to interview https://anchor.fm/kristen-jawad/episodes/Dr--Elizabeth-Campbell---Love--Hope--Joy-e10b148/a-a5fn8elhttp://www.example.com





The current state of education

Below is a sampling of views on the current state of education and what we can do to make it better.

Short Videos






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