SpanglefishKilmore and Kilbride Highland Games, Kilmore, Argyll, Scotland | sitemap | log in
This is a free Spanglefish 1 website.


The guestbook allows you to send comments to the Webdabbler. It's moderated, which means that comments are published after I've check them first.

So what did you think of the previous Games? Come on, be honest. If there's something you think needs changing or improving, we're always open to suggestions.

Website's Looking Good!
I was speaking to another trader today who'd spotted our photie on your site. It's looking good, look forward to seeing site in full sling after the Games. See you at the Games!
Posted by Jamie on 15 July 2007
Do you, our generous public, think that we should add a mailing list?
If enough people say yes, then I'll do it!


PS At some point in the next few months we'll upgrade the site and that'll mean we'll have RSS feeds from all our pages.
Posted by Davie on 04 July 2007
come along its great
Posted by bob on 01 July 2007
Is anyone as impressed with Spanglefish as I am?

Posted by Webdabbler on 01 July 2007
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