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Good day JJ

I am very interested in live steam there is just one problem here in South Africa the hobby shops do not know what I am talking about if I say the word “live steam miniature engine” .
I would like to aquire a sample stationary engine to promote this marvelous hobby what is my chances to get sponsored a sample to go around to the hobby shops and model clubs to get this from the ground and promote it in South Africa.
Please do not shoot me down I am really serious in promoting live miniature steam and will go out of my way to get this of the ground , don’t you want to sponsor me with a sample does not matter in what state it is I will appreciate it very much……

Keep on steaming…….

Best regards and Many thanks.

Posted by Leon on 28 July 2011
Steam Engines
Hello John great site had a look round in my lunch hour grand job keep up the good work.
Posted by Dougie on 23 September 2010
Cheers Dougie and thanks.
Posted by Jon on 23 September 2010
Great Site
Great Site Jon
Posted by Jay on 11 February 2010
what a great little site, inspiring for those just starting out in the hobby like myself.
Posted by rich on 25 August 2009
Thanks very much for the encouraging comment and the best of luck to you.

Regards, Jon.
Posted by Jon Mellor on 26 August 2009
Superb website JJ
Most enjoyable website JJ
You have some very nice steam engines.

Posted by Mike on 01 August 2009
Brill Site
Posted on 29 July 2009
great website
Posted on 29 July 2009
all steamed up
Posted on 15 July 2009
Posted on 30 June 2009
No Title
Posted on 30 June 2009
No Title
Posted on 09 June 2009
A Good Read
Posted on 01 June 2009
Posted on 28 May 2009
This site
Posted on 24 May 2009
Posted on 18 May 2009
Nice one
Posted on 17 May 2009
No Title
Posted on 16 May 2009
No Title
Posted on 16 May 2009
Nice Site
Posted on 16 May 2009
This site
Posted on 16 May 2009
No Title
Posted on 16 May 2009
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